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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I'm sure the left supports this communist thug because it would be racist not to. Plus, their philosophies are compatible! SMH!
  2. Exactly! And not a problem.
  3. Proof?
  4. To be clear -- I'm talking about your stuff.
  5. This little punk looks like a fat little pig!
  6. So -- you admitting all of this is nothing other than conspiracy theories!?
  7. Indeed Clinton did! I just wonder how many snowflake journalist even know this!? [Hidden Content]
  8. It's amazing how the word racism is the go-to word. SMH!
  9. Hawaii has only taken in 123 refugees in 15 years -- no Africans and only 5 from Middle East. Co-plaintiff is the Hawaiian Muslim Association. Doesn't pass the smell test.
  10. You know we are winning the battle of ideas when the other side has to paid to be outraged!
  11. The salient question: What is Hawaii doing in bed with these terrorist?! [Hidden Content]
  12. One of the first things Clinton did as President was fire all the US Attorneys!
  13. Just saw on a local political site that Jefferson County has the highest unemployment rate in the state of Texas. Imagine that! Jefferson County, of course, is ran by LIBERALS!!
  14. BigGirl -- you worshiped at the alter of the unemployment rate under obama. Now you don't. What's changed?
  15. Should never happen! These non-profits should submit if they are doing anything illegal! Which this is. We need to write of Congressman and Senators and demand a stop to this! [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. All it took was desire and an ADULT in charge! Keep on falling! [Hidden Content]
  18. I said if I made it sound like... So it seems like you don't understand how the English language works.
  19. The snake Soros is at it again.
  20. But -- one must ask: Are they in for the cause or because they can drain the funds through high salaries?? [Hidden Content]
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. More the commie women's march can be proud of! [Hidden Content]
  23. All it took was a pro-American doing the right thing! [Hidden Content]
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