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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. HA! Good one!
  2. New awesome Trump ad! [Hidden Content]
  3. We also see the snow ball scenario. Support keeps getting bigger and bigger. This attempt on his life sealed the deal! Trump 2024 -- Too Big To Rig!
  4. President Trump is up nation wide ~8%. He's up in Minnesota, New Hampshire, Virginia and Pennsylvania. So, not sure where the neck and neck is coming from. BTW -- he's up in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina.
  5. I guess it's more natural for JoeBama! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  6. For awhile now, there's been a disconnect between the economy and the stock market. For years money has gone into the stock market through the government's QE policies. We can point to what Trump did to stimulate the economy. Can't point to any pro-economy things JoeBama has done. BTW -- We can't Make America Great Again through DEI policies. JoeBama's regime is 100% in favor of this. Under Biden More Americans on Welfare and Fewer Americans Working! [Hidden Content]
  7. Someone would have to be on some fine heavy drugs to think the insane cackler could beat Trump. Sure, CNN and MSLSD would lie about it. So... LOL!!
  8. Firm denies shorting Trump stock. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø [Hidden Content]
  9. LOL!!!!
  10. I've seen the speculation that JoeBama will use Covid as his exit. Gonna get interesting!
  11. Even CNN has Trump at 330! [Hidden Content]
  12. They also did away with their DEI!!!! That's saying a lot! DEI MUST be really wrong!!
  13. Just saw the latest: Trump up 4 in New Mexico. Up 4 in Minnesota. Up 2 in Virginia. Up in New Hampshire (can't remember the points). If he wins what's expected, and he wins Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina, he'll be at 268. This is where JD Vance comes in. Trump will win Pennsylvania which will put him over the top. If he sweeps other northern States, we are possibly looking at ~341 electoral votes! Landslide!! Trump 2024 -- Too Big To Rig!!
  14. @Big girl Justify this!
  15. DEI was just another touchy feely program that doesn't work in the real world. Merit, Merit, Merit!! DEI almost got the future President killed!
  16. Looking more and more like possibly an inside job!
  17. Veteran Sniper: ā€˜No Doubtā€™ Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Help! [Hidden Content]
  18. WOW! Even CNN is getting it!
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