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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. LOL!! Yes, a WHOLE lot of bitterness!
  2. Strong is gone!
  3. Ha! Sounds like a lil jealousy on your part. He must have destroyed a a many of your teams!
  4. You said he's always had a competitive advantage. I say it was him that made them competitive. I've been watching his teams for a long time. And cancer never entered the equation!
  5. All i asked was how many State Championships did he win? So, wherever he's been it was never him?
  6. Why is it that it's ALWAYS liberal politicians that want to protect illegal aliens?? [Hidden Content]
  7. How many State Championships did Briles win at Stephenville, bro?
  8. And his father married a female! We can't be having that sort of individual in our government! I'm sure once the little college snowflakes find this out, they are for sure gonna need play-doh and cookies! SMH!!
  9. BigGirl, we have become a nation of whiners and people who feel they are victims. If 8 years of THEIR President didn't solve their victim-hood, then there's no hope. The real problem is that they have been taught to be victims. Then they play on people's sympathy and get something for nothing. Plus if you are a victim then you need protection. Well, the government, they've been taught, is the solution. And to continue the Santa Claus effect of siphoning the US Treasury, then they will continue to vote for the ones that promise that it's Christmas every day. If they can't see they are being used, then they will always find something to be sad about. And that's a shame! But, the bottom line, BigGirl, with these people, if going back to the law -- the Constitution -- worries them, then THEY have the problem, not the believers in Constitutional government.
  10. Typical of the Dem/Liberal party: All they have is fear. Nothing more!! Trump has created tons of jobs through the years for minorities. In his 70 years on earth, he has never been called a racist until he runs for President. Again -- the liberal playbook. But the people are finally seeing it for what it is, NOTHING! Because -- again -- that's all the got!
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. BigGirl, I would offer this thought: maybe the "politician" is what the people finally rejected. With ~20 Trillion in debt and an out of control bureaucracy, I submit the people finally had enough. And who better to reign in spending than a successful business man who will surround himself with excellent people?
  13. BigGirl, in the second one, at 1:24 is where she said it's taken out of context. With Hillary -- it's just as easy to lie as it is for the Sun to come up in the morning.
  14. Rush, as always, is RIGHT on! [Hidden Content]
  15. I don't think Baylor would put up with this embarrassing, childish behavior like the other colleges are allowing!
  16. All of them! LOL!!
  17. Steve, one thing about it -- Trump's putting in adults in these important positions.
  18. It's like when Hillary made the statement that if elected she was going to run the coal miners out of business and coal miners will lose their jobs. And when a miner confronted her about it she said -- you took my statement out of context! So, BigGirl, if you excepted your beloved Hillary's explanation then you have to accept that this too was taken out of context!
  19. Quoting Motherjones and the Huffington Puffington Post? What's next, the Political Times of communist Russia or China? Listen -- these rags, along with the lame-stream media, got the polls wrong and the election wrong. And you still take them serious?
  20. BigGirl, this type of rhetoric didn't work for Hillary. So why keep up the narrative?
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. If electing Trump makes them have a nervous breakdown, can you imagine what would happen to these snowflakes if they were called upon to go to war and defend our country??!!
  23. True! With carter we got Reagan. With obama we got Trump! Again -- everything is done for a reason!
  24. Again -- So?
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