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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. She's presided over the Dems downfall. Now they are going to double down and expect a different result. Oh, that's right, that's the definition of insanity!
  2. The way to solve this is to make sure no funds come the Feds. Funds only come from the local scool districts. Then when they are taxed to hell then we'll see how touchy-felt they are!
  3. Who are some leading candidates for this job? Or, who would you like to see apply for it?
  4. He needs to. But, I would tell these people this Un-Affordable Act is being done away with because America can't afford it. So, you have 6 months, one year (the time is debatable) to either find you a job to get health care or go buy you some. Trump plans on bringing competition back to the health care system which WILL drive cost down. Unlike the present Lier - In - Chief promised!
  5. LOL!!
  6. You know, Engelbert, I actually thinks she believes this. This is what she has been brought up to believe.
  7. Oh -- BTW -- the Mayor is a Democrat! [Hidden Content]
  8. And the left says we need to bring in more. I hope anyone on the left that supports flooding the borders with muslims never have to experience this. But -- if they do, I hope the wish for their vote was worth it! [Hidden Content]
  9. Good news for Texas fans!
  10. BTW -- does anyone realize Breitbart was a Jew? Also Bannon was instrumental in creating the TV show Seinfeld! Anti Jewish? I don't think so. Again, the left has nothing when they resort to this. [Hidden Content]
  11. Wept more like it. Along with the rest of the country. But it was taken care! The country gave the man-child a chance. And he blew it!
  12. Predicted global cooling -- "Because the SUN hibernates!" From the article: " A team of European researchers have unveiled a scientific model showing that the Earth is likely to experience a “mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity." Twice mentioned the SUN! Not once has man been mentioned causing any perceived problems. Concerning this -- man didn't cause anything therefore man can't solve anything! [Hidden Content]
  13. A bit of sad irony, isn't it REB?!
  14. As a fan of any team A&M plays, I can see why. LOL!!
  15. Absolutely appalling! [Hidden Content]
  16. I'm sure Doug Ethridge would have something to say about this!
  17. Rip it up!!
  18. I think it has to be a mental problem! [Hidden Content]
  19. LOL!! Yes, a WHOLE lot of bitterness!
  20. Strong is gone!
  21. Ha! Sounds like a lil jealousy on your part. He must have destroyed a a many of your teams!
  22. You said he's always had a competitive advantage. I say it was him that made them competitive. I've been watching his teams for a long time. And cancer never entered the equation!
  23. All i asked was how many State Championships did he win? So, wherever he's been it was never him?
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