He needs to. But, I would tell these people this Un-Affordable Act is being done away with because America can't afford it. So, you have 6 months, one year (the time is debatable) to either find you a job to get health care or go buy you some. Trump plans on bringing competition back to the health care system which WILL drive cost down. Unlike the present Lier - In - Chief promised!
And the left says we need to bring in more. I hope anyone on the left that supports flooding the borders with muslims never have to experience this. But -- if they do, I hope the wish for their vote was worth it!
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BTW -- does anyone realize Breitbart was a Jew? Also Bannon was instrumental in creating the TV show Seinfeld! Anti Jewish? I don't think so. Again, the left has nothing when they resort to this.
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Predicted global cooling -- "Because the SUN hibernates!" From the article: " A team of European researchers have unveiled a scientific model showing that the Earth is likely to experience a “mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity." Twice mentioned the SUN! Not once has man been mentioned causing any perceived problems. Concerning this -- man didn't cause anything therefore man can't solve anything!
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You said he's always had a competitive advantage. I say it was him that made them competitive. I've been watching his teams for a long time. And cancer never entered the equation!