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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood Kind of goes against your narrative doesn't it?! Amazing how this footage just never appears now in the media! Trump 2024 -- Too Big To Rig!
  2. Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton: 'I've Been Hearing That He's [Biden] Going to Resign on Monday'. [Hidden Content] But, I just heard Mark Levin say that they are staying in the race and have threatened those that opposed JoeBama staying in. This is why the Governors have gone quite about replacing him. Also said that those that opposed him in the media are now running scared. So, still not sure how this is all going to playout!
  3. Yeah -- he got 81 million votes! LOL!!
  4. He did pretty good the first time around. He'll do better because he learned a lot that first time. He was the best since Reagan.
  5. This time: Too Big To Rig!!
  6. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood
  7. LOL! Big Mike has never held office and, to my knowledge, has never owned a business in which Big Mike had to run things. But Big Mike can beat Trump. TDS on steroids!
  8. Happy July 4th to all!
  9. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood Hummmm...
  10. Judge Merchan Delays Trump Sentencing Until September! [Hidden Content]
  11. Rep. Wesley Hunt Recounts Trump’s Legendary Power Move: Threatens Taliban Leader with Satellite Image of His Home During Negotiations, Then Walks Away! Scroll down and watch the video. [Hidden Content]
  12. Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days? [Hidden Content]
  13. To anyone familiar with the situation. Is BC running the Slot-T? I’m sure they are. Just wondering for sure from someone in the know.
  14. Their decisions should be immediately reviewed. EPA: Like forcing tailpipe inspections in certain counties. Plus controlling speed limits on counties around Houston. I think the Energy Dept, maybe EPA, wanting to do away with gas stoves. Etc, Etc… The 10 Amendment should have played a roll in the SS Court’s decision. If it didn’t, Governors should invoke It along with the Chevron decision!
  15. Huh, I don’t think so. The insane cackler? Right now she’s polling better against Trump than anybody. You gotta wonder who they polled. Bottom line is: Joebama isn’t going anywhere. Because they know it would be a landslide against the cackler. They are in a bind of their making. They can’t get around her concerning taking the nomination. They also kept ignoring, with the sick media, Jobama’s problem. Too Big To Rig!
  16. It usually does come back around and bite you on the butt! Love it!! 😁
  17. DELIGHTFUL! Black Democrat Warns ‘We Gon' Blow The Party Up' if They Choose White Man Over Kamala! I told you this is gonna be fun! [Hidden Content]
  18. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) reminds Texans of upcoming changes to the state’s Vehicle Safety Inspection Program that will eliminate most vehicle safety inspections. House Bill 3297, which was passed by the 88th Legislature and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in 2023, abolishes the Vehicle Safety Inspection Program for non-commercial vehicles. [Hidden Content]
  19. Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling is what the body was designed for — unpopular but constitutionally correct. [Hidden Content]
  20. Sotomayor's Dissent in Presidential Immunity Case Certainly Has People Talking! This is the stupidly you get when commie-pinko Presidents are able to select judges. They are there not to interpret the Constitution but to do the left’s political bidding. This ruling should have been 9-0. But… [Hidden Content]
  21. How would these so-called “super delegates” that I think they still have come into play? Know anything about it? I haven’t really studied this.
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