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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Trump, allied groups have raised $420 million since NY conviction: RNC chair. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said that the RNC and the Trump campaign broke the all time record for fundraising in March. Sounds pretty impressive! [Hidden Content]
  2. A post-conviction Reuters/Ipsos poll shows a four-point move in former President Donald Trump’s favor -- as he now tops JoeBama by two points. [Hidden Content]
  3. Noted left-wing organizations such as Arabella Advisors and the Soros network are bankrolling the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests across the United States, according to a new website documenting the organizations and their funders. [Hidden Content]
  4. Something we already knew. So, those that said in the 2020 election that this was "russian disinformation" was guilty of election interference. All involved should be prosecuted! [Hidden Content]
  5. True on the military pay raise. But he's spending 7 times more on Ukraine. From the article: The House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) draft of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) proposed a $24 billion pay raise to enlisted U.S. service members. However, the Biden Administration said that it “strongly opposes” approving such a “significant” and “permanent” pay raise, citing budgetary constraints." No such concern when it comes to Ukraine! Well, actually, no concern with any other spending. Of course no one gets kick backs from a military increase! LOL! [Hidden Content]
  6. We know it's gonna happen. He was juiced for the State Of The Union! So, whatcha got?! [Hidden Content]
  7. I hear ya. Under normal circumstances I feel you would have a point. But, I feel people are not as stupid as the Dems thinks they are. Americans see the bogus charges for what they are. They see that Trump never had a conviction before he ran for President and now after he ran he has 91 convictions. But the Dems are in a tight spot. This lawfare is not working. All the attacks before did not work. So, what do they have left? They have a doddering old fool. They put a silly cackler in as VP to have Joebama impeachment proof. So, how would they get rid JoeBama and bypass the cackler? There only hope, as I see it, is that Joebama wins and a week after inauguration he resigns and then look what happens! This is the only way out I see for them. Not sure if the debates are going to happen, but if they do, it'll be interesting to see how bad JoeBama really is. It must be bad, though, because they won't release the interview tapes from the Hurr report.
  8. @UT alum @Big girl @CardinalBacker @Boyz N Da Hood WOW!! It's coming coming!
  9. Kangaroo court fail: Trump tops Joebama in Pennsylvania! From the article: " "Pennsylvania, a state that certified President Joe Biden the winner in 2020, is looking like Trump Country, according to the latest NPR/Marist poll. This poll of 1,181 registered voters in Pennsylvania was taken June 3-6, 2024, days after a kangaroo court in Manhattan turned former President Donald Trump into a convicted felon (for now). The beauty of this poll is that it shows nothing’s changed. While this is the first NPR/Marist poll of Pennsylvania, it still shows Trump leading His Fraudulency by two points, 47 to 45 percent, which is perfectly in line with all the pre-phony-conviction polls out of Pennsylvania. So what we have here is yet another poll that says Joe Biden and the Democrat Party burned down the American justice system for no reason." [Hidden Content]
  10. Because my hope is that you'll eventually see the light and vote for Trump! Pretty simple!
  11. So true! LOL!!
  12. Greg Gutfeld nailed it: Hunter Biden is the fall guy for the Biden crime family, a distraction away from bigger crimes. "The goal is to keep the heat off Joe, the influence peddling, the kickbacks to the big guy."
  13. @CardinalBacker @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood
  14. @CardinalBacker
  15. From the article: "President Joe Biden vowed in November 2022 to pursue measures beyond the ballot box to prevent former President Donald Trump’s reelection. That sensational pledge preceded an eruption of extraordinary legal assaults on Trump, with one pivotal date emerging that undercuts Biden’s denial of White House involvement. That day, November 18, 2022, the significance of which is previously unreported, has emerged as a catalyst in the startling timeline of events unleashing lawfare against Trump in jurisdictions across the country. Three events took place on November 18 either at or with the knowledge and involvement of the White House that directly led to a remarkable escalation of the lawfare launched against Trump." [Hidden Content]
  16. BTW -- I've meaning to ask: When he gave his D-Day speech -- why did JoeBama plagiarize Ronald Reagan's D-Day speech?
  17. Not sure on this one. But that was never the issue. The Dems wanted to make sure that they were the first ones to be the first to appoint a black women to the Supreme Court. So, JoeBama being his racist self, he was all to willing to make sure this "qualified" (I'm sure she could define what a woman is) black woman never made it to the high court!
  18. T
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