Looking back and playing off memory: Under Ethridge, Butch Troy was the o-line coach. Now, under K. Watson was he a coordinator? S. Derouren, under R. Thompson, Thompson called the plays. Not sure if he was ever a coordinator. He did go back to TJ after Nederland but M. Owens called the plays. Now, lets looks at Neumann: He coached at TJ and was the secondary coach. Did he ever coordinate there? Well, come to think about it, I can ask someone that was on staff at the time. Now, a year or two before he got the Nederland job, he went to, I beleive, Pasadena. Or somewhere in that direction. Was he a coordinator there? Not sure about that last part. Bridge City hired the receivers coach from Westlake. Which on the surface wasn't a bad idea. I'm sure there's more that I can't think of at this time.