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Red Wasp

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Everything posted by Red Wasp

  1. What happen to Triple H, was he pinned
  2. As of right now, Buna needs to worry about 23-2A and Kirbyville needs to worry about 22-2A dont over look nobody in your district
  3. Buna 5-0 Kountze 4-2 East Chambers 3-2 Deweyville 3-2 Anahuac 1-4 Hardin 1-4 Warren 1-4
  4. 1. Anahuac 2. Hardin 3. Buna
  5. Over the past 4 weeks Kane been walking around with a small bag in his hand and i was wondering what it is, its either thumb tacks or his old mask and i was wondering what do you think it is. Hes been snaping for a month and been saying those words IS HE ALIVE OR IS HE DEAD, this past week on RAW he lift the bag up and said that he feels better now and the person is DEAD. So i was wondering does he have his old mask in the bag and i was wondering is they goin to have a storyline with the Old Kane back
  6. Buna will fight till the end and it could go either way. Buna has been waiting for this for a very long time so we will just see thursday night. BUNA-28 NEWTON-21
  7. Does this mean that this should make Buna look even better than kountze since buna beat kountze and lost to ec by 1. no lionheart. if tt was at the top of his game like he was aginst Buna Yall would not have any thing to say cause it would have been a blow out. I am from buna and i have all respect for ec, but if TT is not on top this week we could see another kountze pussy-cat game. GO EC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Buna-42 Warren-6
  9. hmmm...seems like the one trick pony lost her act...
  10. deweyville came out to play cougars couldn't get there act together. finally in the 4th cougars started playing a little bit but certainly not to their usual level. and for the unsportsmanship #20 was tackled. when he and the dv kid were gettin up the dv kid pushed him back down by the neck #20 pushed him off the dv kid got up and started to kick.. #20 started pushing him back and hitting at him.i think anyone in the world would try to get someone who was kicking them ,especially while they were laying down, off of them dont you?and as for #77 getting all this bad press please keep out of it. of course after some parent watched him destroy their baby on the field they will get upset and post un true things.
  11. There are many other teams that have high scores.
  12. I have to go with Hardin but they better not overlook Warren. Hardins only hard game will be Buna Mabe EC HArdin-48 Warren-8
  13. I say Anahuac if they dont let their selfs down. They have the tallent Anahuac-21 Kouttze-18
  14. Ec all the way Big!!!!!!!
  15. sorry for your luck Newton but keep your heads up i see a great things about to happen
  16. Let Me guess Anahuc is just a creampuff Way to go coogs
  17. Those kids from BUna Very Hefty behind that O-line. Have to go with those buna boys
  18. Buna will not take them lightly but I do believe that Buna will punish. BUNA-35 anahuac-12
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