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  1. I wish I could go back to school but I'm to busy laughing at the bank... thanks try again.
  2. What them recivers do to y'all last year, y'all must not get it
  3. Ha ha better Qb or LB y'all are tripping. Spell plays lights out..
  4. Qb is Ned by far, WR Ned by farther and we have the best LB in district
  5. I'm sorry, but that McGrath kid isent a joke. You will see
  6. **** up this ain't got one thing to do with Friday night you nut No curse words!
  7. That McGrath isent no joke.... unlike yalls QB
  8. I heard Conor McGrath will start for Nederland, anyone heard anything about this??
  9. I heard Conor McGrath a 6'4 pitcher for Nederland maybe get the start in his first week on the football theam..
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