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Everything posted by NEWS

  1. Has anyone ever heard a plate umpire aks a field umpire what the count was and get the reply"I dont keep the count".
  2. Great job by the coaches to enter a stout tourn. that will pay off in years to come and make you one of the better teams around folks will start showing up at tourn. to see were yall are.
  3. Congrats B and get to go to a school were you can surf that was all in your master plan.
  4. Does CC still stand for Crush Coach?
  5. No you forgot they have to respect him now.
  6. WHOA!!! Not sure why you are using Emily as an example. First of all she was never named MVP at the USFA National tournament. That championship was a TEAM effort...long ago!! Secondly, she hasn't played select ball for a couple of years and doesn't have the desire too do so again. Please refrain from using her as an example in any of your future posts. She plays in high school, enjoys it, and that is the end of the story. I'm sure for those of you that really know her, I probably didn't need to post this. For those that don't know her, please don't think that the poster of this quote speaks for her in ANY WAY!!!!! Em's a great kid..................... She could play for me anytime. Wanna move to WOS? Just kiddin' people.....Not recruiting! Em's is Em's catcher keep your butt at WOS
  7. Funny your DD told me the same thing.She would give you up. ;D ;D ;D You take her ,you feed her,you buy her gas but more importantly you buy her shoes and you can have her! ;D Heck no I have smelled those shoes!
  8. Funny your DD told me the same thing.She would give you up. ;D ;D ;D
  9. Now it is
  10. Slam and Myself are so used to carrying the load out there we forget how to ask for help. OMG !!!! I think I just threw up in my mouth !!! Probably that Swine Flu thing I've been hearing so much about! ;D I think in this case it would be chipmunk flu.
  11. Slam and Myself are so used to carrying the load out there we forget how to ask for help.
  12. Ok, maybe "volatile situation" is not the right word to use. Sorry. What I was referring to is the fact that the coaches from heat were so upset about us questioning that call. Then started mouthing stuff about Crush and how it is all technical when you play against Crush, and all the other little "comments" they were making from the dugout. Then said something to the effect of if we are playing so much by the rules then I needed to stay in the coaches box. The umpire called both coaches out and put all defensive coaches in the dugout and said all offensive coaches must stay in the boxes. That is what I was referring to, how the umpire handled that. And yes, it was a good game. Enjoyed it!! Just stay in our box! I did after they told me to! ;D It was kind of hard though!! There's a box? ??? Juiceboxes!
  13. I know that's right. Glad to see someone from BH actually admit that. I didn't necessarily mean it in good way, tnt My last thought on this before I leave it alone, promise. I agree with RangerDad AND Bobcat here, but there was regular breaking of the forum rules AND some overeation by Mod's. Its important to remember that free speech is NOT guaranteed on this board, nor is it a democracy. Its a good board and I hope it continues. Hijacking threads with obscure "inside' references is annoying but not that hard to skim on past. Speaking negatively of any player should be a one warning and then your out, period. I think taking your marbles and going home cause you don't like the rules is fine, but remember that this is the only marble game in town. I enjoy reading the softball forum because those guys seriously care for the girls and want them to do well regardless of where they are from. I hear all of this talk of breaking rules and it makes me laugh. I post more on the football thread and there are rules broken there on a daily basis during football season and nothing is said, at least I have NEVER seen anything said publicly much less start a thread about it and call out a poster. Poor Coach Crouch has been taken to the woodshed more times than I care to count but the thread will have 20 pages of post and they are allowed to go on and on. It seems to me that there are some that are using their powers when it's not necessary. JMO ;D Great post!
  14. If the Mod in question should be a Mod or not.
  15. Have a vote let the people decide.
  16. Orange CRUSH (Thompson/Wiggins) 16/18 will host an open practice/tryout on Sunday May 3,at 2:00 PM at field #2 of the CRUSH field complex across from the WOS football stadium.For more information or details call 313-2730 or 313-1634. Those interested players who have conflicts May 3, please call numbers listed above.Additional open practices and/or tryouts will follow in the coming weeks.
  17. We had a first at our last game sun an umpire got ejected by a coach.Is that covered in the rule book?
  18. Funny you would say that sun. morning I heard someone tell cheater he needed a bigger hat.
  19. Speechless for a change? ;D Now that's funny! Its been a long year!
  20. I won't disagree, but they do need some work on their umpire mechanics knowledge. What team doesn't? Oh, yes, Rags. Cough, Cough Catch a cold in Sulphur? yep.....I really just have a problem liking "snakes" right now! Sir just stay behind the white line or i will strike.
  21. Had Justin twice this weekend and he did a very good job behind the plate and in the field one of the coaches from the team we were playing when he was behind the plate told " is there any way wuold could get this guy to call the rest of our games" He really was one of the best there this weekend.
  22. From what I heard in Beaumont the both 12U Crush-Collins coaches got chunked and News came about as close to getting thrown as you can get. I would have figured he would have been first. :D Come on papa you know i'm an angel ;D ;D ;D
  23. Must have been something in the ice we all got from the crush compound!
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