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Everything posted by NEWS

  1. 1 disco 2 tour. director for us open 3 uic for us open
  2. I know every one wants to boast softball in the golden triangle but to back a tour. this bad will do nothing but hurt.I was there and it was horrible started off Fri.we get to our 11:00 pool game and some one else is playing it went to the director he said i will fix it next thing we know he is headed for the parking lot.I chase him down and was told "I cant do this it is to much if you don't like it just get your money back".Well knowing we would not get our money back we showed back up Sat morning to play in the worst called game i have ever been a part of it was so bad one of the umpires told slam after the game " i am sorry we have to do better than that"as for the Field conditions they were horrible I never seen any one work on them the whole weekend the pitchers mounds were about 8 inches below the rest of the field.Then for a kicker the MC Elite were up to there old tricks and had to forfit 2 games for using players that were to old when is someone going to step up and not let this clown coach.This guy is an bad for softball! Back to this tour. hopefully this guy will never put a tour. on in this area again maybe we need to plead with Ronnie and Bart to put something like this on next year so people will continue to come and play softball in are area.
  3. Not trying to add fuel to the fire just want to know . Heard there will be no water in the dug outs and there will be no field maint. crew. Is this true it is awful hot and a chance for rain. If we do not get our games in will we get our money back?
  4. Maybe he talked with MC Elite coach. ;D ;D ;D That is the first thing I thought of too. Maybe this should be a topic for a new post, but I'll ask it here anyway...Are there different levels of cheating or is breaking the rules breaking the rules? There are are 2 kinds, getting caught and not getting caught. But back to the subject at hand when i heard who the coach was i was not surprised he has been up to those games for awhile
  5. I guess the real question should be how did they explain to their kids that they broke the rules and got caught.I know all the coaches on Robs team and none of them will back down from a challenge but why would you play a game in 90 plus temps if you did not have to.you are there to win not just to play sounds like this guy is a coward that wants to hide behind a board come on dude bring your real team if you aren't scared.Don't try to stack your team then cry when you get caught.Great job Crush Cole keep winning and there will be more of this stuff to deal with.
  6. I second that. Those guys worked their butts off getting the fields ready. One of them even worked a couple of toe nails off! They even set up a maintenance office in a black truck in the parking lot and had a crew member out there while the work was taking place on the fields. There were several guys that were there to run the tour. that had rakes in their hands also lots of thanks for their help too. As for the toes OMG that hurt.Slam was able to work all weekend with out once messing his hair up.That is talent.
  7. It was a great weekend for crush. Our girls played their butts off have not looked at the books yet but cant remember making an error all weekend long.Had great pitching and great hitting.I don't normally toot Em's horn but due to some injuries and missing players she was asked to play 3rd base. She has never played 3rd but played excellent all weekend long with out making an error we had allot of kids step up there play.But it sure was nice to hear the tour. director say back to back state champs Orange Crush.
  8. Seems we also lost our center fielder and # 3 batter Jack she has a fractured arm the girls were calling that field the field of death.
  9. Great day of softball these teams were the some the best 14 u's out there as for Shannon just got off the phone with her dad.She has a fractured cheek bone and is scheduled for an Cat scan to check for any sinus damage.The Doctor told her she could not play till after the cat scan she told the doctor you better hurry up i have a tour. this week end and i am going to play.This kid has a bigger heart than can fit in her chest.I am honored to be allowed to coach her.
  10. I think NEWS is using a jet engine to stir this one, paddles just not big to tackle this thread. This does have potential to get interesting. Get your popcorn ready!!!! 8) OK I am not much on grammar but I think it should read THEIR age group.... ;D Thanks for the English lesson JA I went to LCM ;D
  11. Man i am jealous seem slam must have gone north for supper last night.
  12. I think NEWS is using a jet engine to stir this one, paddles just not big to tackle this thread. Sorry my intent was not to stir or have someone say my team is the best but to see what peoples opinion were on teams they have played in the area this could be broadened to the Houston area also just so we here at home can have some ideals on some teams that we have not played before.Always looking for the best competition.Or maybe Bag has got in my head stir stir stir.
  13. Who has the best select team in there age group in the area.Please put what age you are referring to.
  14. Crush Coach said he would pick up the tab on any hotel rooms you need but i figured you had plenty of money after the deals you have worked out at local restaurants
  15. Thank you very clear and easy to understand.
  16. DAMan could you once again try to explain the obstruction rule as you have done so many times.
  17. Fair enough, but I thought I was pretty clear with the "...not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but in 10 years that's the first time..." comment. It was the first time I've heard it, but I didn't say it was the first time anyone said it. I'm sure some of you have pretty much seen it all, only to get something new at the next tournament. And no, I'm not calling you know-it-alls. I live in Beaumont, by the way, so I'm not a city slicker pointing a finger. I'll try to figure out that bold function next time to help with the emphasis on my post. I guess this proves my wife is correct in that I'm the one with the communication problem! You already said you were called and told so you still havent heard what was said you have made a page and 1/2 of post on something you did not witness for your self.
  18. Sorry to hear you were so offended MB. However, with my last 6 tournaments being played in Houston I can assure you that even though some of the comments you just sited were wrong they are not specifis to SET. I myself heard some of those same comments in Cypress, Sugarland and elsewhere. In 8 years I've heard just about everything in all areas of Texas and Louisiana including someone like yourself speaking so condecending about one area. I guess the real question is " How did your team do this weekend". Maybe that's the root of your bitterness. I beleive Crush Collins 12 u beat them then Crush Thompson 14 sent them home.
  19. You're supposed to throw water on that fire...NOT gas! There were a few controversial "events" and calls, but the umpiring crews did a good job of handling the situations. Heck, some of the umps even doubled and hair stylists between innings!!!!! Okay okay but that team had enough water to put out a forest fire :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( as for the hair stylist our team never looked so good ;D ;D ;D
  20. It was a crush sweep Crush 14 Thompson 1st Crush 14 Cole 2nd and a very impressive showing for the Crush 12 Collins played great ball all weekend came up and showed the big girls we can play ball placed 3rd.
  21. Not near as hot as some certain fans that hung around to watch a game after they had been eliminated.
  22. Come on CC you have coached both ;D ;D ;D
  23. You asked for it you got it lets see where this takes us.
  24. This is rather interesting poll I will just say that high school coaches are also teachers of our kids right or wrong they are held to the same standard as any other teacher having said that if your daughters math teacher jumped up in her face and told her she was stupid and said you are the reason this whole school looks bad to the state most people would scream from the highest platform. So it is not the same as just any other job. this a job in the public eye dealing with other peoples kids there for you have chosen this path in life and are going to get scrutinized on every thing you do just part of the job and it takes a very special person to put up with that.But you cant say let me come to your job and do the same because that's why I did not take a job in the public eye because i could not Handel the constant scrutiny you have that same choice.
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