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Everything posted by ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING

  1. And if just jasper wins the toss we will be playing in happy valley Pennsylvania at nitty lion stadium
  2. I'm good with that, the first thing that was brought up was Texans drive never said it was concrete
  3. Uh and nrg will want too much money probably about 14 to 15 grand per school I'm hear texans drive again
  4. I agree. But jasper wouldn't even return wos phone calls last week to try get an Idea so i caught news about an hour on texans drive so I'll try to get some info.
  5. REVENGE TIME BABY!!! 28 17 stangz!!! I said it.
  6. Wos that is I find out more later
  7. Looks like it might be Texan dr again. Will keep everyone updated
  8. Still refuse to play mustang football for 4 quarters ,still not understanding that. Sweeny came to play we just happened to play a little bit better with 9 minutes left otherwise it was a Toss up til then
  9. Be careful on the roads today and everyday for that matter. holiday traffic is the pits I know but let's all be defensive drivers today and out for one another. Be my brother's keeper. Safe travels everyone
  10. And here one more hint it's the same street u turn down to get to the stadium U must have an iPhone lololol
  11. U must have an iPhone lololol, it's in the valley ranch town center
  12. I know and Chicago is good but i like new york pizza more.will try to make it
  13. Man I'm a huge fan of pizza, but once u had Chicago and new pizza, it's like texas bbq baby nothing else will do.
  14. Please dont bring back the c.e king pain. Now my lip long
  15. So who went big school in our district nobody?
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