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Everything posted by tazcatter

  1. No problem...just wanted to make the point that you don't have to be a member of ANY club to help the team out. Let's just play HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. We look forward to seeing all of you there...
  3. Diva, I understand your point of view, however the "Booster Club" is not the only organization and/or group who have "fed the players", "provided household items" or assisted them with their stay in SE Texas. I know of several people (Non BC members) who have opened their homes to the players, so they have a place to get away from the spotlight, who have picked players up at the airport, taken them to the airport when they have been recalled to the AHL and provided transportation to the players and their families. I don't have anything against the BC, but as I've said several times, you don't have to join the BC to be a FAN.
  4. thanks for the link to our hockey forum.
  5. Our prayers go out to them.
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