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Everything posted by LHSALLZONE

  1. hey tonto ,why did u say lets us go get them. let tha raiders & indians go smoke peace pipe after tha game.as a raider fan,but also a area football fanatic, i followed the indians & dogs to houston to cheer these two teams on as did several other fans from lumpton. i said in other posts that i saw two pretty two good teams play two ranked teams.png held their on against lamarque, other than c ouple long runs by their back, png looked awesome. some of us are getting a little carried away ,but when this happens both teams are really showing their respect for the other team. i respect png totally,they have earned it past yrs & mcertainly this yr. good luck to both teams, i must say guys, ltown can run the ball,tough; & d is stout also, png can run the ball with tank(jake) & have also a stout d,could come down to kicking gm,turnovers, just pray for a good officiatied ballgame, neither team can tolerate poor officiating. not tha twe have had that, cause we havent. let the players decide it on tha field.again ,good luck to both ;D
  2. hussey trained with us last yr,every week,every month.weights,drills, 7 on 7,& track clubb where he ran a tremendous amount of explosion drills & large sets of short sprints,he has worked his tail off & is reaping those awards. the lineman stayed in tha weight rooms,we had a lot of skill position players working out as hard as well,bryce put his time in also. bryce is all rt guys,big as roll as any player on team,but one thing i know for sure off season was grueling, for some ,but these guys showed up ,& made it that way with the effort.think bryce is not up to par, good, because anybody slacking on him, he can light u up. rt now, run the ball with your 5 running hosses,cody leading the way : : : : : :
  3. hey guys, ned is for real ,png,dayton,lumberton,the rest of the teams in our disrtict on a given night could bring in reality to anyone team. mike is right ,u will earn a spot in this district,gonna be very interesting next 4 weeks, ps as i said in another post,tha broncos are tuff, they r not going away triangle area,better not right these guys off,they r coming back. yeh ,raiders r for real,playing as a team,but still room for improvement
  4. sville should move up to # 1, look how they handled all teams this yr. just think this is a very small 4 a school & they get with it. no complaining from sville about being a small school 4a playing bigger schools. lamarque is a small 4a school also, but they can roll also,just ask png. png did hold their on in that game though.hmmm. maybe polls go to lhs(lamarque) ;D ;D good luck jackets,hope to see ay #1. : : :
  5. wbbear, thanks for the post on the stats,u guys get this stuff quick, how do u do this. ??? ??? ???
  6. no guessing here. i think it will be a very close game. hey ,png is for real, lumberton is for real,the game next week will be for first place,that game is for real.another hard fight for both teams. raiders 28 png 28 decided in overtime have to say my raiders other than this game ,i will be pulling for tha indians : : : : : :
  7. just got home from tha game,very proud of the raiders tonight.they played hard on both sides of the ball.central does have somey good athletes, just looked a little out of cink. thanks guys posting u all have been classy tonight. hope no ltowners screw it up.central did run the two half back option passes, pretty good looking play.good luck jags,good sportsmen & fans to,central fans did show up :o :o
  8. pimp wants to know are the raiders for real:talked to several tonight,most had arms ,legs, heads ,ect. they even was alive ,so everybody they are real people, just like us,oh my :o :o :o.post ignorant ????? get ignorant answers dummy
  9. nuther thread by some lonesome soul, who not even from ltown > >
  10. scrimmaged bh, played nc, the hill will win this one, 32 -13
  11. bhgrizz, the reason for this post is to determine just how retarded the infamous ltownpimp is. he has no brain mass,just a empty skull plate,suck dry by posting & thread virus :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
  12. yawn,sigh,tired,yawn, oh i already said yawn :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  13. sorry a second time honey, :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* tvc,ncaa rules here. texarkana game through me,i thought i was wrong,only 2 or 3 states use ncaa.thanks for tha censor. & quit using the l word ;D ;D ;D
  14. ncaa rules, forgot tx. & i think mass. under ncaa rules,u r correct.sorry honey. :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
  15. seen on tv last week or so; texarkana tx 17 texarkana ar 17 maybe i missed something ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
  16. wos 92 ,ltpimp is tha poorest man in town,aint no business for him man. we are happy rt. here in 22 -4a, this district has earned respect from many,tough, talented district,all teams have earned my respect. stang u guys turned it up last week ,good game ,beat good team, looks like another dominate season for the wos mustangs, good luck with playoffs,keep healthy
  17. oh predictions: png - 21 ned - 21 :o
  18. ;D mave sville jackets are almost 3 a, very similar to our size,art briles came to them in 89 or90. they did not make playoffs for 37 yrs,just ok teams, since briles came & gone they had made the playoffs every yr. exceprt in 03 i think. they rock lamarque-approx. same size as we are, look at their history,winning,playoffs,state champs, as most part size does matter, i asked my wife ;D ;D ;D having more kids to choose from is a bonus but not a must. just prepare harder with what you have. as for as lpimp( ??? ??? ??? ??? ???)what is this guy thinking. ok some of us was raised in tha barn,ya kno,back in tha wood.
  19. # 1 team= west brook #2 team= ned dogs #3 team= wos/png/lumberton/central/dayton ( i coulnt decide) although im a raider fan wos could give all these teams @$*! yes even tha brook. :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
  20. just thinking out loud: png -ned battle to a tie, lumberton beats central,look who would be in first place :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o turn off tha puter honey ;D
  21. asteroids,comets, planetary collapse ,what if png-ned ties & lumberton wins over central, raiders sole possession, rt. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o just thinking out loud. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  22. and i thought only hunting season was open. i dont think deer will be the only thing in the bright lights come fri. night. load your weapons boys cuzz their is going to be some wars going on this fri. night. now , no excuses. all the guesses & postings,threads & such like have been made. to all posters;a list please: of what excuses not to say: :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o officiating: bad or good, weather; to cold,to hot,to dry, to wet,to windy,ect. (u know our local forecasters) :P :P team hade a bad night/ certain player had a bad night(team sport) to many penaltys to many turnovers to many injuries fans rude players dirty bad coaching( fire his butt) drugs ( they must be on something) just thinking out loud our team was severly weekend our fans was to loud/their fans to loud fate was not on our side/fate was just on our side we had bad practices our players was just not ready they had weak scheduling they to tuff schedule timing was good timing was bad old coach new coach your history/our history good field/bad field will all the prophets please stand up,oh we already have.good luck to all setx. footballers,no injurys please. guys it is what it is .bunch of our kids(young men) making ready for the coming fight. teach good sportsmenship,all out efforts, & a guality attitude & we all win. we must support all our local reps. during the playoffs at all levels.ok young warriors,give us a great show fri, night. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  23. tvc ,just cant resist. the l word again. guys get your facts straight. after the all pro game, which the whole team made( both sides of tha ball, all of their agents & publicist,refused all other games & activitys,all scheduling ect. until the last chance, thats why we didnt get all those high profile games stacked up, which all rumors where true.sorry guys. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  24. now,now tvc ,using that l word again, just cant help u-self. :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
  25. tvc 184 , always have ta use the l word.now thats ashame. :o :o :o mod of what your own my space . com ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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