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Everything posted by LHSALLZONE

  1. hey scooter, being a realist wos by 24+ :-X
  2. 4thand1,can always have more fan reaction & support,but saying there was no reaction at all is ,well not the truth. watch tv & daytime shows if you want some entertaiment. i seen several fans out of the 3000 to 4000 fans that was there. stand up and high five & call the young mans name,kyler k. he deserved this & i personally went to the field along with about 200 + other fans after the game & shook his hand along with all the coaches & other players. dont start a rip thred on here. i see that the fans showed up tonight,and there was 3000+ strong(more than 3000) and hung aroung hugging players after game. during the game u can always have more fan noise,& what i see is not a fan proplem, maybe u r just looking to hard for a problem instead of looking at the huge fan base that was there. i do agree u can always step up your participation in a game ,but im not looking to hard at this issue. by the way, several players said the fans where awesome,friday(sat.) night lights baby. by the way raiders players & coaches,thanks for another fine football game ;D ;D
  3. sounds like our really weak district this year has been eating their wheaties the last two weeks, congrats to png 2 victorys against that other district along with lhs victory this week :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D : : :P :-* :-*
  4. bh, dont give up on your guys. i seen a pretty good team,with some really good athletes for u guys thanks for a tough fought game & some really first class young men & fan base. i do love my raiders & glad we came away with the win, but seriously bh can win at least 7 games & for sure ,i believe will make the playoffs,bh is a class act & thanks again. turnovers did hurt bh, but some were caused, last week we had 6 + turnovers so i know that stinks,way to go raiders, good win. ;D ;D
  5. already told some them raiders, gonna be tough game,just messin with knight rider still going with them raiders,hope all players boyh sides keep their health,good luck
  6. let it sleep dude. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D go raiders
  7. whenever the tight end position is used ,in the pros,college, or in high school, it usually creates bad matches for the defense. it seams the most successful teams utilize this valuable position. i think it really causes problems in the high school forum, though most still does not use this position in the passing game enough.
  8. knightrider,i agree ,the raiders eliminate those 6 turnovers and we will be fine ;D ;D ;D ;D lhs 36 :o :o bh 14 : : : :
  9. yes you was, my bad ;D
  10. white,black, brown,doesnt really matter. when a crime is comitted,pulling a gun & robbing someone is a crime,at least the last time i checked,this individual & whoever was with him,should recieve what the law allows & no sports option considered. race comments are just stupid,any color flesh can pull a gun. the act of wrong is whats punishable,whether by local authoritys or by the school district. if this young man is guilty,& this schools coaches through some kind of descion ,by law or other means,let this kid play after pulling a gun, now that would be the shame of us all. second chance for this young man, you bet,after he is rehab & shown the higher road. second chance to play high school football, no way. hmmm, other young men should see a correct descion in this case. maybe bullet proof pads for the other team,security gaurds with riot gear at hand. i remember a movie of a running back while trying to score , pulls gun from uniform and shoots defensive player right before making a td. thats all i have to say about this . :'( :'(
  11. i now have boils on my eyes,brainless :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :' :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  12. lm fell to lumberton soulja, but nice try,might be fishing a little bit. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  13. 6 or 7 turnovers wont cut it in most games, with 3 coming in the red zone, score could have been really ugly, but with all those early turnovers hf stayed close to the half. raiders got a lot of solid play from 2 & 3 teamers tonight. we had 4 or 5 sophs in game at several times & they looked pretty descent. hanna ran well but had fumbilitus,soph ryan asher had a real good game. defense looked pretty solid. congrats to them raiders.
  14. almost fearless, sorry lumberton spoiled your day( we had 4 turnovers in first half) 2 of those at the red zone,really could have been a nasty 40 to 50 pts for them raiders, but i must say fearless u got the scores pretty close, good luck to them broncos ;we had at least 6 to 7 turnovers,
  15. maybe 1 of 16 wwins this season :o :o way to go broncos
  16. wooooo,glad lumpton wasnt the troll, maybe next thread guys
  17. is this a fearless prediction thread,r just a guessum posty ;D ;D dayton 39 bay city not enough with luv, from the lhs allzone
  18. nissanindian, i also hope that ut longhorns beat them tt raiders ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D raiders 34 hf longhorns 13 come on raiders ,prove me right
  19. dayton broncos team is at mid season form,at least compared to lhs. broncs coaches have this team ready. i really think they will bust some hide this year. skilled positions are stacked across the line ,both sides of the ball. dayton did scout bc vs lum. game i seen them, but hell ,whats wrong with that. of,wos hooks ect. was at bc, i seen them, hmmm, maybe doing their jobs . fine football team in dayton,i really injoyed seeing such a quality team play like they did. u cant always judge both teams at any given scrimmage as to how good each one is, but i do know this ,purple and white of dayton is a better team than the raiders . :o . with that said, broncos please keep mr. green healthy, because without him, you will only go 14 wins 1 loss ;D ;D ;D. good luck broncos,awesome year awaits,good coaches . alright lhs, i believe in you guys,so go out over the next 10 weeks and prove the nay sayers wrong,on the field, but win or lose, play your butts off. i disagree with some neg. posts against you guys,but its played on the field & proved to most by the win column. its simple win 7 to 10 games this year, be physical on d. & punishing on off. practice hard for your good coaching staff & dont piss off on nights ,ready for the upcoming games some colleges are looking at several of you guys,which in turn gives college educations to some. its just a game ,but it leads to better things. raiders need to get serious, because i know that this team does have some talent, just cant compare you with those raging broncos. i always see good over bad, positive over negative,so im not downing them raiders, ive got blood on that team, but dayton is ranked # 2 for a reason, and im fully convinced that ranking is just. raiders will get better, i think will make the playoffs, but that is something they will have to prove. lhs did go 70 yds. in about 8 or 9 plays for a score on about their 3 or 4 drive,against their first team,beard ran really hard. the team really looked good for a brief 3 or 4 minutes. anyway good luck to our lhs raiders,love you guys, just keep away from my house because some of you eat my food up. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  20. leslie beard is going to junior olympics. leslie will be pole vaulting in the i.g. class ( 15 - 16 yr. olds). leslie won the usatf vault at the gulf coast championships & then went to fort worth to compete in the regional meet where she finished in the top 3 to earn a place in the national jr. olympics finals in omaha, nebraska on the 25 th of july. leslie also competed in state this year as a freshman. hard work does pay off. congrates ;D ;D ;D ;D
  21. daytons fans better pack a big lunch. looks like another long season.thanks for being a classy leader in our district.good luck for next year.talent at some key positions,a good pool of jv talent to glean from ,i say a 14 to 16 week season,good luck broncos
  22. i would have to say c. micheals. i watched him in the playoffs (the game they lost ) in the rain, he is definitely d-1. as for as ac beard my nephew, he not as fast or mature as micheals, but he had a 70 plus td run & one for around 50 yd so he can get to where he is going. he also doesn't care for who's in front of him either. my vote has to go to c. micheals,he the real deal. good luck at stopping wb bruins & micheals this coming yr. go far bruins
  23. in region 3 4a leslie beard ,a freshman from lumberton high school vaulted 10 ' 6 to equal brenham vaulters height , but had more misses, finishing second & earning a spot at the state meet in austin. another lumberton athlete, jonathan ward threw the discus 159' 9 , finishing second to ozen & earning him a spot at the texas meet. congrats to these two athletes from lumberton for their success at the sam houston regional meet & good luck at state.
  24. i think lumberton turned in 1,020 in 06 & 1,080 in 07 ,within 20 r 30 kids for this year.
  25. i dont know who will win district,but as always 1 r 2 loses in this district & u could lose out of a playoff spot. as for them raiders, those other two tailbacks can & will light u up.both kids r 210 right now,i asked them tonight at school field at the tailgate for them. both had td over 70 yds this yr. hussey was the work horse & didnt play very much d, but soph. beard was the 22-4a freshman of the year in 06 & probably will be first team middle line backer this year as a soph. in district,lead team in tackles. he ave. right at 10 yds a carry. hanna is a little faster and as mean & can take it all the way at any time. both stayed on the field on d, special teams ect, while hussey carried the load on offense. when jv jrs move up we will have about 28 -31 seniors again this yr. jv was 7-2-1, & about 15 jv sophs will also move up as jrs. finally getting numbers so overlap of seniors r bigger, oh well just proud of them raiders & all of our distru=ict, we make each other better teams by the quality this district puts out. im sure all fans have the same hope as we all do for our teams,good luck setx ;D
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