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The Old Ball Coach

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Everything posted by The Old Ball Coach

  1. Watched the kid play last year at NC, and he is not that good. Whoever said D-1 is hilarious, : if he was d-1 NC would have won more then 2 games last year. Plus they were the largest school in a weaker 4A district. But all that being said Hardin will be back in the playoffs next year.
  2. baseball and golf are the only two sports in high school that you can actually get fatter in if you dont work out during the season. The boys need it just not to hard on game days. But they do need to get a very short, light, intense workout in before the game to get their blood going and their muscles ready. By Steven Ellis, former pitcher in the Chicago Cubs organization One of the big misconceptions in baseball is that playing the game keeps you in shape to pitch. I wish that was true. It's not. Just playing the game of baseball is a poor way to develop and maintain pitching fitness. It does not keep you "in shape" for baseball. That has to happen in practice and in the weight room in-season and during the off-season.
  3. Can anybody please tell me how many times Liberty has made the playoffs in the last 12 years?
  4. this is awsome!!!!!!!! get you some of Psyco T [ftp][/ftp]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="[Hidden Content] name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="[Hidden Content]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  5. The West Bridgefieldville Gators.. that would be great
  6. They have that every year in 8th grade but they never keep those kids in high School
  7. Well I hope he does good on the SAT's and his grades are up to par or he will have troubles getting to LSU, plus maybe he needs to watch out on his bathroom antics
  8. Haaa....somebody hit on a sore subject!!!!! easy killer,,,, that person was just making a comment
  9. I dont think you can call that an upset, it was expected
  10. I would love to see another PNG, Crosby matchup ;D
  11. [quote author=643 link=topic= :#msg240589 date=1191330703] Best Fall ball in Texas is run by Mike Rutledge @ Bayland Park, thinking it starts close to Nov 1. The ony requirement to play is NO football players as he wants kids 100% dedicated to baseball.
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