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  1. I love seeing this kind of support! Thank you vhs!!! RAIDERS ALL THA WAYYY!
  2. whoooooooooooooooooooooo Raiderssss wiiinnn!!!!! 6-0 babyyy!!! yeaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
  3. regardless whether we beat this team or not doesnt mean that we dont have a good team. We have great athletes all in this district and everyone is a good team and will be a great challenge to all.
  4. speed was supposed to kill lumberton with dayton haha
  5. I think everyone needs to quit hatin on the Raiders..these boys try their hardest everyday to make their team a better team so that ppl like you will finally shut their mouths. Give credit where it is due because those boys played their hearts out as well as dayton for that win and they earned it. Cased closed that game is over its time to focus on Vidor where I'm sure we will see the same intensity from both teams for the win!!
  6. i hope we continue to have this winning streak so everyone will learn to shut their mouths and quit talkin down on a team that has worked EXTREMELY hard to get where they are now. This is going to be another well played game by both rivalry teams. Good luck to both teams..
  7. i think we have a good chance at making it to the playoffs we just need to not get in over our heads like last year and do what we gotta do to win...
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