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Everything posted by texanabroad

  1. My thoughts on the issue are simple. Taxes, sadly are mandatory. The parents make a choice when they decide to homeschool and they certainly have the right to do so. The consequences of that choice mean you forfeit some of the privileges of paying those taxes. This includes school sports.
  2. Thanks for the response. As usual, nappy has avoided answering. The elderly and those unable to work should be helped. I have very little sympathy for those who refuse to work. No exceptions. If they are able and receive a handout, they should be earning it. The government should require it.
  3. Define "truly needy" please?
  4. I expect as much. I hope I am wrong, but I want to point out their hypocrisy if they refuse to condemn this.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. We have some people here who constantly point out racism. I assume that means they hate it. But now I don't see them condemn this as racist. To those people, I will never have any respect for or defend your claims of racism if you can't also condemn this is as racist and wrong.
  6. Watch the actual news broadcast in the link above and you will agree that the lady who did this should be charged with obstruction of justice.
  7. Yes, he should release the visitor logs, especially with this Russian crap in the air. It is a poor choice politically not to do so.
  8. What the hell???? And people support this nonsense. I'm scared to think of what our country will be like for my kids and grandkids someday.
  9. If he worries sometimes, that is a bit more than I would be worried about it.
  10. It doesn't matter because it is to late. In a generation, Europe will be a Muslim continent.
  11. Yes. I have always hated Obamacare, but this bothered me even worse.
  12. The sad thing is people are to lazy or dumb to think for themselves to realize the truth.
  13. I don't agree that it is a Muslim ban. If it were a Muslim ban, why not ban the countries with the highest amount of Muslims, or all Muslims. In fact, only one of the countries on Trumps travel ban includes a top ten Muslim country by population. ([Hidden Content]) This is a ban on countries with a higher probability of terrorists being imbedded in immigrants. It just so turns out that those countries are predominantly Muslim.
  14. Living outside the states has forced me to work to find reputable news. I can't sit down and turn on the television and get my news. What I have found is that it is important to get your news from a variety of different sources and come to your own conclusion. There is normally a shred of truth in most reports, sometimes even CNN(very rarely). Compare that to what another source reports and you can start to put the pieces together. This whole Fake News is a new invention by the media to bring people back in from alternative media. They have all been biased for a very long time. True journalism ended with the 24 hour news networks.
  15. I hope there are more cases like this to reign in the power of the president. The balance of powers got way out of balance with Obama.
  16. I get what you are saying and mostly agree. I just felt like the reality in the accusation warranted debate. Any reasonable person knows Infowars isn't the most reputable source.
  17. Whether this is fake news or not, it touches on a serious issue in our society. The debate on this thread should be over whether there is a difference between hate speech and free speech and instead it is about whether a news source is reputable. The news source may not be reputable, but I believe the topic is very relevant and should be discussed.
  18. First off, he can't make or repeal any laws. That is the legislative branches job. He did push the fact, which is trying to keep his promise. It was a poor replacement plan and that is why it failed. Now, will you admit that your other allegations are a bit premature? And if not, does that mean that you also consider Obama a failure for not completing two of his biggest campaign promises?
  19. I am not a Trump defender by any means, but by your standard you have given the man two months to complete his campaign promises. How long did it take for Obama to close down Guantanamo or bring all our troops home from Iraq? If you want to hold one president to those standards, hold them all to that standard.
  20. Resist, or better yet, wait and let Obamacare die all on its own.
  21. Let's hope not.
  22. I think it is totally reasonable for a new administration to be able to halt a non-essential program they see as flawed and determine if there is a way to make it better. As far as the vetting process, I believe it needs to be re-evaluated. For example, it is near impossible for a young single woman to get a visa to come the USA. I know many women who have tried numerous times and can't get a visa and they are no more of a threat than I am. Is that really where our scrutiny should be?
  23. It is a moral dilemma. They have argued for so long that Islam is a religion of peace. If they admit reality, they must also admit that Islam is a problem.
  24. This one is touchy because I believe in due process. If a terrorist wants to fly under the radar, I don't believe you can stop them. This is why I can't understand why the left fights against tougher vetting procedures for those people wanting to enter our country. We know the ideology that drives these attacks, we should properly vet people coming from those areas where this ideology is strongest.
  25. Yes. i stand by all three of those statements. With the recent report from Nunes and the previously leaked conversations, I think it is safe to assume that Trump admin were surveilled. I make no distinction in surveilling Trump or his chief advisors. Now, the reason of why they were surveilled is what is in question. Were they being probed in a criminal investigation, were they communicating with someone involved in a criminal investigation, or were they being surveilled for political motives. This, we shall see.
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