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Everything posted by texanabroad

  1. Enough of the semantics. Let's assume for a second that Trump was indeed surveilled(that looks quite possible). You can rest assured that falls in Obama's lap. Now, Obama's people are smart enough to do things in a manner to allow plausible deniability. But, this would not have happened without someone in the Obama administration approving it.
  2. I agree that politics played a part, but the repubs were not going to risk replacing Scalia with an anti 2nd ammendment guy.
  3. The repubs need to wisen up and get dirty in their fight with the dems. Let the dems block Gorsuch if they choose to do so. Take the high ground and say you don't believe the nuclear option is in the countries best interest. Then nominate someone else slightly to the right of Gorsuch. Continue this process until they cave. They can't block every nominee forever without facing serious political backlash.
  4. I sadly must agree with you on this one. Garland should have received a vote, even though the results could have destroyed our country as we know it. I don't necessarily think he didn't get a vote only because he was nominated by a democrat either. I think it was a combination of many things. The second ammendment for example. Garland would tip the scales against the second ammendment and the repubs were not going to let that happen. If I were a republican senator, I would have done the same thing. The stakes were to high.
  5. I'm in a different time zone, so imagine my surprise when I wake up and hear this. Can anyone on this board honestly say that there should not be a thorough independent investigation into what took place here?
  6. Sadly, this isn't just a Chicago thing. It is a culture thing. Did you see the video a few days back about the cop who was getting beat down in Florida and a good samaritan shot and killed the bad guy? There were a lot of people filming the incident and not one of them helped or called 911. If it weren't for the gentlemen with the gun, the policeman would have been killed. What was even worse was that some of the commenters defended the people for not calling 911. Now Chicago is definitely another level of messed up culture.
  7. Have you ever spoken to anyone from the Russian sphere of influence or the Arab world? In these countries Obama was very disliked and laughed at as a coward. His red line in Syria, Benghazi, and Crimea were seen as examples of this. From my experience, the only place Obama was totally immune of criticism was Europe.
  8. I think much of his popularity lies in the fact that he is so politically incorrect. That is also why the left hates him.
  9. Living in China makes it difficult for me to watch many MLB games, so I sometimes watch Japanese league games and they are awesome. It is more of a College Football atmosphere. I hope to get to watch a game in person sometime.
  10. As someone who doesn't live in the US, I can honestly tell you that many people in the world viewed Obama as a weak coward. Have you ever criticized him as an embarrassment to the country? Many people in the world also view Trump as a clown. I try to be fair in any judgment. If you can't be honest in your criticism, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously.
  11. This reminds me of the whole Target bathroom issue. While they have the right to do this, recent history shows that taking liberal stances isn't good for business.
  12. I will concede this argument because I am new here and can only base my opinion on what I have seen. I wish it weren't that way.
  13. True, but most posters on this board are conservative. I would expect that. The problem is that neither side is willing to concede that it doesn't have to be us against them. To many gotchas and not enough thoughtful conversation. Both sides are guilty of this on here.
  14. It is hard for me to say who is the better speaker. To their base, both Trump and Obama would be considered very effective speakers. I don't think either of them have much crossover appeal to the other side. Sadly, that is the current state of politics in this country. I personally enjoy Trumps speeches more. Obama uses emotional arguments that don't really hold up to facts and logic, but that is what his base is interested in.
  15. I don't mind talking about the FBI director speaking before Congress. I just didn't know what you were asking in your original post. A couple of thoughts- I don't see how this is particularly damaging to Trump. The fact of the matter is this. The Trumpsters are going to defend him irregardless and the Anti-Trumpers are going to hate him irregardless. Comey didn't change anyone's opinion one way or another today. Secondly, I hate these dog and pony shows. He comes out and says he has already briefed the committee in private on the classified matters but can't share that with anyone(so why the need to testify). In other words, this was a show and waste of tax dollars. If he had already briefed the committee in private, why hold this big show and say he can't disclose information. Why not release a statement, similar to what he did with Hillary.
  16. I find it funny that anybody would take any of these polls seriously, especially after the last election.
  17. I don't think the source matters on this one as they are citing an op ed written by a college student. I think the point being made is the mentality of these easily triggered leftists. It is a quite disturbing and dangerous trend we are seeing.
  18. I'm not sure I see the comparison with 2008. Do you mind explaining?
  19. I don't know about that poll(maybe it is accurate), but I have been pleasantly surprised by Trump so far. I did not vote for Trump(or Hillary), but have liked what I have seen. And to be honest, other than the things he has said, what could anyone be upset about? The economy is taking off and jobs are returning. Those were Obama's weaknesses. Whether you are on the left or right, that has to make you happy. And if that doesn't make you happy, why not?
  20. Let's ban milk also. [Hidden Content]
  21. [Hidden Content] Wow! How unconstitutional can this be? And they wonder why America has turned against them.
  22. The sad thing is that if Venezuela adopted a new form of government today, it would be several generations before society could normalize. I lived in a former Soviet state and the people still have cultural problems due to the hard times they lived under during Soviet rule. 18 hour bread lines will do that to you. Yet, leftists want this utopia. It makes no sense to me.
  23. I don't necessarily fall in line with many on here and I agree, Trump's biggest liability is his mouth and ego. My whole issue on the wiretap thing isn't about semantics or he said, she said. I want to know why there were two FISA requests made against Trump and his people during the election cycle?
  24. Obama changed how unemployment numbers were calculated. Wouldn't a logical person have to question the integrity of those numbers when compared to the same statistics released by other preceding presidents? That is comparing apples to oranges. If Trumps numbers were calculated using Obama's standard, then yes, you are comparing apples to apples and I am fine with the February statistics being better than Obama's January statistics.
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