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Everything posted by texanabroad

  1. In this case, they are very relevant and definitely not a joke. I'm new here and all I've heard is where is the proof being spouted from you and other leftists. For this claim, the only piece of real proof supports Donald Trump. Take this for what it is, a win for the Trump camp. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sure he will tweet something later this week that will start a new controversy and then you can go on another rant about how evil and corrupt he is.
  2. So, you agree that Obama should be in jail?
  3. I have always thought that Trump should have released his tax returns and I found it suspicious that he didn't. Overall, this is a win for Trump, but still leaves unanswered questions that I believe will continue to swirl around his presidency. He should take his victory lap on this and rub it in the medias face and then do a full release of his other returns. It would get minimal coverage at that point and there would be full transparency for the American people.
  4. How asinine an argument can you make? Let's look at your argument. White people perform more terrorist acts than any other race. Ok. White people are 63% of the population. Statistics say that they should do more of whatever you want to categorize. However, when looking at violent crimes, it is the black population that commits these at a higher rate. Would I be justified calling them thugs or would that be racist? So Sad.
  5. Mack, that seems like a stretch to call that hazing. I don't get where the actions are causing any mental or physical distress. If so, Texas may never win another game.
  6. So true Englebert. I posted merely to see if our local leftists would ignore the evidence or try to twist it against the conservatives. And as you can see, they don't want any part of this discussion. Sometimes silence speaks volumes.
  7. Mine is pretty obvious. I'm a Texan living abroad. Right now I live in China.
  8. This article points out that the left doesn't have the moral high road that they claim to have. If we were to believe the leftists, America is this big racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic land that we should be ashamed of. It needs to be FUNDAMENTALLY changed. it seems that maybe the left is putting labels where there don't necessarily need to be any. I took from this that those on the right made their decision based on issues while those on the left made their decision based on labels that had been placed on the candidates and when the roles were reversed in this experiment, they ended up with pie in the face. Maybe in the end, the right is more colorblind and gender blind than the left gives them credit for.
  9. This is what I hate about partisans(both sides). You put your party above reason and logic. If I am not mistaken, it wasn't very long ago that we had people on this site screaming that Trump should be impeached. Apparently because he is a bad guy, not because there is any evidence of an impeachable offense. I have read all of the reports and they all conclude that there is no hard evidence, just speculation. If you could impeach someone based on speculation, Obama would have been impeached a dozen times. Now, when the roles are reversed, we shouldn't do anything because there is no proof. That is total crap. What harm can an investigation into this matter do? The bigger issue here is that we "potentially" have a sitting president wiretapping the opposition party candidate during the heart of a presidential campaign. Some have argued that the president doesn't request wiretaps. That may technically be true, but he most definitely would have been informed if they did this. And if so, he could have given the order to stand down. That puts him in bed with this also. I don't know if there is any hard evidence yet, but there were two FISA requests naming Trump or his people during this time period. We don't know what they were for, but I believe that this is enough to warrant a full investigation. Maybe nothing shady happened. That would be great. Maybe they had a good reason to wiretap. Who knows. But if the allegations are true, that is something the American people have a right to know and all Americans, regardless of party affiliation should want to know the truth.
  10. This stinks to high heaven. If this were a performance issue, it should have been addressed as soon as the football season ended, not now. If this were some inappropriate action causing his removal, why not terminate immediately? I'm sure neither of these are the case. And if they aren't, why would you "reassign"(fire) him? What grounds are you justifying your decision on? There is some hidden agenda that we aren't seeing here. Only time will tell. My guess is that the supt wants to bring in his "people". No matter what the case is, Jasper ISD should release a statement explaining what the heck is going on and why. It doesn't paint the school district in a positive light.
  11. Immigrant-a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. You will have a hard time convincing me that someone who's family has been in this country for generations is an immigrant.
  12. Hey guys, I've been trolling around a while and thought I would jump in on this conversation. The bottom line is that arm injuries have skyrocketed in recent years and I applaud the proactive rule change. Is it perfect, absolutely not. Are there a lot of variables based on each individual kid and that particular game situation, absolutely. Can a kid throw 150 pitches in a game? Sure, but most likely their mechanics will begin to break down as they become fatigued. This is where the injuries either happen or begin to happen. I do agree with STYMIE that care must be taken when not on the mound. I suspect that this rule will be modified/improved over the course of the next few years and that it will result in fewer arm injuries. This whole situation reminds me of when they changed the bat standards a few years back. Everyone was screaming about how the change would kill the game. It took a couple of years for teams and coaches to adjust, but you don't even hear those complaints anymore.
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