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Everything posted by CRUSHCOACH

  1. e. But WOW.... He has played 3 College games ! Granted he has looked impressive in them but has he looked good enough to spend millions on ??? :huh:
  2. Come on now. SEC is not thought of as a B-Ball Conference. But A&M does look pretty good at times, and next year they should be a load for Kentucky. I'm just messin" with you though. Kentucky is one heck of a team. I'm waiting for the Horns to get their stuff together ! Hopefully beore its to late.
  3. Hmm.... Two conference games and both go into OT. Are they getting a little complacent ?
  4.  I agree ! Until Texas and A&M match what TCU and Baylor are doing on the field, no matter how many stars their recruits have, they are second fiddle to both of them !
  5. As an Uncle of mine would probably say.... Only if the car was going over 50 MPH.  :o
  6. Score update please ?
  7.  Heck I thought I was the only dummy that did that ! I end of missing to many good games also.
  8.   One thing for sure, the SHORT turn around I was hoping for is more than likely NOT going to happen, after the way the Horns played their last 2 games this year. I believe Strong can and will turn things around but its gonna take a few years to see a major improvement. I don't believe the cupboard was left bare by Mack but the Quarterback situation does lie in Mack Browns court. Went a couple of years without recruiting a good one. And, it has bitten Texas in the buttocks the last few years.     The O-Line...... well there were players there, but some of the more gifted ones, thought they didn't have to WORK or FOLLOW the rules, and to Strongs credit, he got rid of their arses! Can't fault him for that. And, you can't fault Brown on how those kids turned out.
  9. whats the score ?
  10.   :P  Enjoy it while it lasts !
  11. Pathetic game for my horns ! Embarrassing way to end a season. Swoopes is bad but the offensive line is HORRIBLE !
  12. One good thing about the Eagles game coming up is it's AWAY ! Heck Cowboys are what? 6-0 this year away.
  13. Mikaela Stegall, an outfielder for LCM and Orange Crush Gold has been selected to the Under Armour National Softball team. Mikaela is a Senior this year at LCM and has committed to continue her softball career at UT Tyler next year.   Congrats Mik ! We're proud of you kid !!
  14.   They were tops in their conference on attendance ! WOW...
  15. I expected more out of Jimbo ! Didn't think he would be one to take the WIn at ALL COST approach.
  16. Geez a base salary of over $400,000 and he has to steal underwear and cologne ??? What an IDIOT !!
  17. Congrats Hannah and Good Luck ! Keep working hard !
  18.  I agree with that. This season is done. They are now playing to save face and get better. No need to waste a red shirt.
  19. WOW ! Hate to hear that. That kid could flat out play ball !
  20.  I also think it would be a good choice. Mack can recruit like no other and I'm sure he learned a valuable lesson about hiring a good coaching staff to get the most out of his players.
  21.  No way Heard should be thrown to the wolves against Oklahoma. The kid was great in High School but I doubt very seriously any High School team he has ever played against is any where close to the talent Oklahoma will throw at him ! Especially with the O-Line that Texas has right now.
  22. I'm glad I had Girls and not boys.... because I would hate to know I would have to put them in this league from the stuff I'm hearing on here ! Some of you are just plain NUTS ! I mean y'all are talking about young men here. Time to set an example for them !     GEEZ....
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