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Everything posted by trophyman

  1. I'm saying that all i hear is we can beat your team because your just a lowly 1-A team (is crap) thats like saying the astros cant beat the yankees because the yankees have a biger salary cap ie. more players to chose from and i can show you at least a 100 all star teams that get beat all the time most the people on here that say they can beat us have never even seen us play a game.
  2. this is just crazy if i can field my best 9 players my best 9 may be better than your best 9 even if you have more to choose from the only way we get better is to play better teams of course i understand you can't just take this lying down so i will stir the pot once more
  3. ha ha look at our record and who we have played and then say how average we are i have seen you play, I'm not impressed, Fielding's OK , pitching is definitely no better than Evadale. you are a very scrappy team though! The mentality of we're 3A so we are better than you has got to go!
  4. i've been there and to many umps take it personal when a parent complains about a call I was an ump for 11 years and only had to toss 2 people from a game one was making it personal by cursing out load at me and everyone around me and the other was when a coach grabbed a little girl and screamed at her and shook her on the field (i called the cops on this one) the guy said shes my daughter ill do what i want . so after all was done he was no longer a coach. [glow=red,2,300][glow=red,2,300]i pray the kid is ok and has no lasting effects from this[/glow][/glow]
  5. great weekend congrats crush and crush mclains 14u came in 3rd in west lake first big tournament this year very well ran tournament enjoyed it very much
  6. Evadale has Chester's number Chester has not beat Evadale in who knows when. We beat Chester 2 or 3 times last year. Evadale had a bad outing in the playoffs last year but don't look for that to happen this year
  7. i don Try half of 2a down sir because it would not be pretty if y'all got on the field with OF BC HF HJ Silsbee and WOS would probally not even be close y'all or out ya minds I'm tell in ya Evadale can play ball and unless hf has improved i was not impressed just an average ball team well maybe a little better than average
  8. I'm all for paying coaches more i think all teachers or grossly under paid anyway the thing with football is it supports all the other extra curricular activity's and and it puts butts in the stands and RICE i support our kids in everything they do. Even if my kid is not on a team I'm there supporting the school. I volunteer my time and the coach's know if they need me they can count on me and the teachers that know me know they can count on me also Rice what do you do (BESIDES SPOUT OFF )
  9. ok lets start playing football at 430 also and lets not start name calling its not like anythings going to change anyway and as long as i pay taxes i'll never mind i want go there
  10. [glow=red,2,300]LIONS WILL ROAR IN THE SECOND HALF[/glow]
  11. [glow=red,2,300]GEAUX KOUNTZE[/glow]
  12. we probably would not compete well in 5-A or 4-A but i think we can compete all day long from 3-A down again I'm not saying we would beat everyone of these teams but for the most part we would compete better than some of their district competitors
  13. nichols hope i spelled it right but anyway had 2 throw outs and i think was 3 for 4 at plate with 2 or 3 rbi's the catcher from big sandy looked pretty good also they just could not hit Landis #1 ended up a 1 hitter but the 1 hit was legit single over second base
  14. I also believe that in most cases it is a travel issue and usually happens in smaller schools. [glow=red,2,300]I also think that the "never can get these years back" comment is a bit harsh[/glow]. Coaches' families can't get back the countless hours they spend working with YOUR kids back either. I know they choose to do it and love it, but I find it hard to believe a coach would purposely schedule a game early just to get home earlier. i did not mean it to be harsh just trying to get the point of how serious this is. if your a basketball coach you stay late. if your a football coach you stay late. a football game last about as long as a baseball game with the same distance to drive. my family can never get back the hours i work either and i try to make it a point to support my kids and even if my kids are not playing and I'm off i go support the teams at our school. it's not about me it about those single parents who have to make a living and can't take off or leave early to go to the games. i care for and respect our coaches and would not ever belittle them in any way they are great people IMO
  15. we need to raise a petition that all (varsity) school baseball games with lights on the homefield should start no earlyer than 6:00pm i know a lot of coaches have to work later but as a parent we like to watch our children every once in a while and we can never get these years back look at basketball and football they both start later in the day
  16. [glow=red,2,300]Billy Nichols[/glow], I don't know if he is the best but i will say he is the best at his age in the area (soph)
  17. and no it would be down right ugly to see me in a cheerleaders uniform
  18. hey bud i'm close to 50 years old and i guaranty and will put money on it that i can still hit off anyone in buna
  19. ok lets just let it go they probably wont ever play us cause if they were to lose they would be to embarased and if they win they would think theres nothing to bragg about
  20. 11 State Championships in Basketball and 2 in Powerlifting Not to many schools in the state of Texas has more State Titles in boys basketball than Buna and that means 1A through 5A yeah when was the last time Buna won any state title in basketball? (i think it was about 40 years ago) lets just play ball baseball that is lets just hope the rain holds off enough to play
  21. empires who wont let you get out a question before they run you. Parents who always think you don't play their kid because you don't like them when its they wont practice with their kid at home .
  22. yea what about those 8am, ball games, everyone knows the only one up in time for these games are dads! when we have a fight to get to the ball field on time. well we live 45min. from any ball fields i guess we could move are build a field. my wife says all i have to do is wake everyone and load the truck
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