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  1. Well I knew for sure that it was not announced until all teams were finished in the playoffs and I knew the playoff games didn't count, just really didn't know they have already voted, my bad for the incorrect information. Good Luck to all the ladies in 23-3A.
  2. Once each district has completed the playoff run, then the coaches from that district starts making the choices. This is what I have seen and experienced over the last four years.
  3. Hard fought series by both teams, Congrats to Pollok as you take on Danbury!!
  4. Well the Lady Hornets lost the series 1-0 Hornets 2-1 Pollok 1-0 Pollok This was a very tough series, both teams played hard, but we just came up short, in our girls defense, they made some errors but they played very well. Pollok is a very solid team. That being said the Umpires in this game were terrible at best. There was never a defined strike area for either team at the plate. The plate umpire called a triple to left field fair, then said it was foul. Sometimes you just draw some less than decent umpires. Both teams played their hearts out as you can see by the scores. It as a great pitching match up. This was not the best called game, in fact I have never seen one where both umpires were consistently this bad. I am not whining because we lost, just stating a fact, ask anyone from either team. Good luck Pollok in your quest against Danbury. Lady Hornets had a great season and nothing to hang your heads about: 2016 District Champs 2016 Bi-District Champs 2016 Area Finalist Good Job Ladies, looking forward to next season, Only losing one senior, come back regroup and fight to win. Love My Softball Hornets!!!
  5. We need an ump that knows what an outside curve ball from a left handed pitcher looks like, js
  6. 6 & 8, but they play at Jasper Municipal park or City Park not at the Jasper High School Fields
  7. Pollok is very solid on defense, Hardin's defense stepped up last night to save the game but our pitching was better than theirs. If our girls would have laid off some of the pitches thrown by Pollok, there would have been more than two walks, js. I think tonight we will settle down and get it done. Also some field referring that was at times questionable at best. Calling outs at first before the ball or runner got there. Missed a call at first on a runner leaving early then called her out when she left second and she did not leave early. It is the little things and can't fight the umps. No excuses just how I saw the game. We've got two more to get it done. Let's Go Lady Hornets
  8. So you are picking the ones in blue? I don't think Danbury is as good has they have been in the past, but you may be right on that one. Sure hope our Hornets take this one, then that puts us up against Danbury next week.
  9. Any predictions for the Area Round of Playoffs???
  10. We had a pretty decent JV last year and we are losing several seniors, hopefully with the players from JV moving up, this will help our Varsity team. We shall see, we need to find a way to win. This district is going to be quite different, plus all district games are away but one, that is going to be rough.
  11. I would like Livingston, but they will probably choose Jasper,,lol
  12. April 28 playing at Pasadena Sports Complex at 5
  13. Hardin vs Wallis Brazos New Time and Location April 28 at 5 Pasadena Sports Complex
  14. We competed against Deweyville in 3A, my understanding is they will be moving down to 2A next year. They may be more of a threat at this level for the teams they will have to play. Good Luck
  15. Hardin beat Kirbyville 6-2 on Friday
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