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Everything posted by 7376HORNET

  1. Hardin vs Buna has been moved to Wednesday at 2 pm at Hardin due to possible bad weather on Friday.
  2. Will both tryouts be at Bmt City complex???
  3. Taking the Hornets - not sure the margin. Let's go Hornets, get the job done, you can do it, we have faith. DON'T FORGET TO WEAR [color=pink]PINK[/color] IN THE STANDS FRIDAY NIGHT.
  4. Not saying EC was bigger, but no matter how big or small either team is - it is the development of what you get the player to do with what he has to work with. We just need to get better at execution on defense and make every play count. I know we have come a long way in a few short years and I want to see more on the defensive side of the ball. You can have a great offense, but with no defense you will get beat all day long. More defensive development needs to happen for us to compete. DEFENSE - DEFENSE - DEFENSE. Compete and being a contender should be the goal.
  5. What do ya'll think????
  6. I agree our defense needs the most work, if you start hitting your opponents then you can wear them down. I know we are not that big, so you have to take what you have and make it work no matter what. The defense has to put pressure on the QB when needed. Arm tackling and pulling guys down will not cut the mustard. I think our guy recovered pretty well considering the loss last week, but you have to win. Two point conversions are essential or at least develop a good kicker, one who can kick a field goal when needed or extra point when critical. Joyner does a good job he just needs a little more. I know we lost Stephens (4) and he was a defensive player who could get to the ball and make things happen, just need someone else to get in there and take up the slack. I didn't get to see the game, but listened to the last quarter. I still don't agree with all the on side kicks either. With little time on the clock boot the ball way down field make them have to play harder for the yardage and eat the clock. The game could have went into OT. Oh well can't replay the game but still room to improve. Good job Bucs and way to hang in there Hornets. Keep up the good work.
  7. Congrats Buna, you won. I love my Hornets, and they will have to fight harder to compete in this district. We have to make the 2 point conversions. You have to stop with the penalties. Although I think Buna got away with a few last night, some pass interference going on that was not called. Not making excuses but this is what I saw. The defense has to start playing a better game and stop running games and put pressure on the QB. Hornets played decent but not great, penalties, a fumble, QB sacks and dropped passes. All has to be perfect to compete in this district. The offensive line did a decent job protecting Myles, but Coach Haynes needs to remember they are other receivers besides D.J. and Marquis. We need some fullbacks in the backfield and lets do some running. When Myles is always in the shot gun this is getting to easy to read. Yes we get some great bomb passes that makes this game exciting, but we have to get better on defense and offense. We also may be in trouble after 6 week grades come in - I have heard of three not passing - you know who you are - this is a shame, because grades should always come first no matter what, if you can't make the grades you don't deserve to play. Hardin needs to get back to basics and get this defense rolling - and please lets start hitting someone instead of trying to drag someone down, they will beat us all day long if you don't start hitting. I did see a few decent hits last night, but not near enough. Buna beats us plain and simple and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Now  lets get out there and prove we can compete and bring it to them - sometimes you just have to be honest - Hornets all the way.
  8. Nice win for Homecoming - congrats to Sidney and Miles - Homecoming King and Queen. Let's get everyone well and get ready for district. It is going to be a tough season.
  9. Hardin Wins 56-28 final
  10. Out of Control 98 is still looking for about 3 or 4 more players.  We are looking for girls and parents that are dedicated and enthusiastic about softball.  Give us a call if you are interested in joining a great fastpitch softball organization.  Coach TJ Adams 779-4691, Assistant Coach Brent Strother 617-3409.
  11. Anymore on New Waverly??? Go Hornets we believe in you. Play with heart and believe you can do it.
  12. Let's go get them Hornets - you can do it - just believe.
  13. Let's all get behind one of the teams that is still in -HARDIN LADY HORNETS.
  15. Even though Hardin lost to Buna and their shot a playoff spot, the Hornets will still come out and beat Deweyville. Go Hornets Feel the Sting
  16. Going with the Hornets in a nail bitter. Go Get'um Defense, you guys just keep getting better. Can't be there but will be calling in for updates. FEEL THE STING.
  17. Come on Hornet Fans - lets keep this post of the first page. Get ready for great fall football weather. GO HORNETS
  18. Hardin by at least 3 TD's. Hopefully after the changes that were made last week, everyone will step up and get us through the season with 3 more wins. GO BLUE
  19. Good job Hornets, you sure look a lot better last night. Hard work pays off. Just three more to win and we keep playing. Can't wait for the next three. Again good job. I agree with an earlier post about the Ref's, they left a lot to be desired. Not that there were bad calls, just when they throw a flag seem like a 5 to 10 minuted conference to figure out what to do?????? Hopefully they(Referee) get it together before they call another game. GO BIG BLUE - FEEL THE STING
  20. Go get em Hornets. We are behind you all the way.
  21. This will be a close one. Another big aspect of the game will be the weather, rain is coming how much and how hard might change the make up of this game. I believe the point spread will be small and whom ever makes the least mistakes (penalties, fumbles, extra points missed etc) will win, Love those Hornets Hornets - 21 Anahuac - 18
  22. A lot people here for a good game, some left with the threat of lightning, but most stayed and watched the Hornets win a good one. They will only get better. Hunter hurt knee again??? took a hit after a reception. Way to go Hornets.
  23. Just to show all the bragging in the world doesn't win ballgames. Way to go Hornets - final score 48-17.
  24. Hardin Hornets are getting a Stadium uplift - turf, new home stands, etc. Will have to send a newer picture once the work is complete.
  25. Hardin by 14, can't wait to see it. Good Luck Hornets.
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