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Everything posted by 7376HORNET

  1. I am staying with the Hornets, this will either be a nail bitter or a blow out. Good Luck Hornets, we are proud of a great team that seemed to come together towards the end of the season. Play your game and things will turn out ok. GO HORNETS
  2. Good Luck Lady Hornets on Friday Nov. 14 - Regional play-offs, Tyler, Texas. GO HORNETS!!!!!
  3. Go get-um Hornets. Let's go to the play-offs again. What a year for these kids.
  4. Jordan Nolan - QB Daniel Marsh - WR Andrew West - C Caleb Heilander - Clayton Warner Jesse Lozano Austin Collins There are 6 others that I can't name right this minute. We pretty much loose the offensive line, quarterback and wide receiver, plus several on the defense line
  5. As per the Liberty Vindicator: 11/23/07 "US 90 at Waco Street will close. The closure is due to railroad rapairs that must be made on the tracks." Traveling west on 90: detour right on HWY 321, left of 1960, left on Waco Street back to HWY 90. Due to heavy traffic this may take some time to drive through Dayton for all us Hardin Fans going to the game in Crosby today. Allow the exra time and bring your patience!!
  6. Let's go show Crawford what Hornets are made of. It's gonna be cold and possibly wet, plus playing on turf. 71/2 hours to game time can't wait. We are so proud of you all. Thanks for a great season, lets keep going. Go HORNETS [move]Feel The Sting[/move]
  7. Go get em HORNETS - let's make some more history.
  8. Not much predicting going on here, I think we are just happy to still be playing. You guys are awesome and don't let anyone tell you any different. We are proud of each and everyone of you and wish you the best on Friday. We will be there cheering for you. Good Luck Hornets [move]FEEL THE STING[/move]
  9. I am thankful for many things, great family, wonderful friends and my alma mater in the playoffs, wow what a year. Heres wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, safe travel and great games. Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Get the long johns out - High upper 40's to low 50's - cloudy with a 30% chance of rain, last I heard. It will be cool and could be raining. Good luck to both teams in this crazy weather. Go Hornets still pulling for you. [move]FEEL THE STING[/move]
  11. I think I am probably a bigger fan than the hubby but he is a fan also. I scout for all the information on the other teams and pass along to him so he can repeat everything to his friends. HaHa. All joking aside we hunt, watch high school football, & just about everthing else together. We basically enjoy all the same things. NO DIVORCING HERE - IT WOULD COST HIM TO MUCH.
  12. Community Wide Tailgate Party to support the Hornets Hardin Administration Building 11/23/2007 @ 11:45 to 12:45 Refreshments and window paints provided. Game Time 3:00pm Friday at Crosby High School Come on everyone lets all show up and support the Hornets. We need more fans on our side in Crosby All you HD, Liberty, WH folks come out and support Dayton and Hardin. [move]FEEL THE STING[/move]
  13. Hey thanks for the post. Yes we like to pass, but can run also. Can't wait till Friday - come on HORNETS you know what you have to do. Get em ready Coach Haynes. See you Pirates in Crosby on Friday - OL protect your quarterback and get things done Go Hornets
  14. Another piece of infomation - UIL enrollment for Crawford 197 - Hardin 369 One would guess with 197 many players playing both ways for Crawford???? Anybody know anything else?????
  15. This is all I have found so far: Well, since there is no thread yet, I'll start one. Hardin comes off a good win vs Hemphill which some consider a slight upset. Crawford comes off a nice one as well, shutting out the Cinderella Centerville Tigers. Crawford is all about power, but will trick you into having 8-9 in the box to stop them and will then hit you for a big strike down field (ask the Tigers). The only thing I know about Hardin is that they only had 2 losses to playoff teams (East Chambers and Buna). Both of those teams lost in the first round. It looks like a great game match up depending on what Hardin runs offensively. Hardin has scored 430 and given up 266 through 11 games (against 5 playoff teams), averaging 39 for and 24 against. Crawford has scored 350 and given up 137 through 11 games (against 7 playoff teams) , averaging 31 for and 12 against. Looks to be a close game. Has anyone actually seen Hardin this year to give an idea of what/how they play? This was on Texas2Afootball.com - Looks like no one knows a lot about us either - this could get interesting. Go Hornets
  16. If you don't mind watching 2A - Hardin vs Crawford in Crosby, Texas at 3pm.
  17. I believe - Hardin Hornets will win this one - can't find out much on Crawford. Hornets are making history and they are clicking. Hornets for the WIN!!! [move]FEEL THE STING[/move]
  18. That is correct - Coach Haynes was the QB in 1974 - he has really turned our program and young men around. Good luck with Crawford Pirates in Crosby at 3pm. So glad it will be a short trip for us. GO GET EM HORNETS - YOU ROCK - WE WANT ONE MORE - AREA
  19. Again, what a game, the Hemphill fans started emptying the stands late in the 3rd quarter and into the 4th. The Hardin fans stayed to the end to congratulate the young men of this team. Good Luck with Crawford, make us proud. Sure hope it is in Dayton or Crosby that was a long drive.
  20. EC didn't make it but Hardin did. GO HORNETS- 23 did not get the sweep in the first round - Hardin spoiled it.
  21. You guys rocked tonight - what a game - the defense really stepped it up and shut Hemphill down several times. The offense was on - a few drop passes and a few questionalbe calls but all in all a great game. HISTORY - the Hardin Hornets won District (when only one team could win or go to the play-offs) in 1974 - they were beat in the first round of play-offs that year. TONIGHT this team made history for our school - first ever playoff win. HORNETS YOU ROCK - can't wait until next week. [move]FEEL THE STING[/move]
  22. It doesn't matter who is moving up or who is moving down, the only thing that matters are the games being played this week-end. Mart was favored to win STATE, so since they lost it opens up the whole playoff season to speculation. GO GET'EM HORNETS
  23. Good Luck EC - make 24-2A proud
  24. Coach Haynes at Hardin
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