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NapyTimeBandit 33

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  1. ahhh silvan has found another lost child...... i will pray for him....
  2. why dont you just shut your mouth. its very easy to talk tough on the internet but this isnt football this is a forum. you dont know anything about this team or what we do what we do this friday you will see a totally different team and when you say its going to be a shutout or blowout game thats just fueling the fire were not the type of team to lay over we are going to play you to the best of our abilitys. as for our line they are all my family and i back them 100% that they will give it there all and leave it on the field we are a family WIN OR LOSE we are family. and remember ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!
  3. was talkin about evadale team not wh
  4. evadale haydin dubose soph.. shelby stanley soph.. and billy nichols fresh..
  5. our jv had a great game against yall last tim and the only lost two players that little half back but he wasnt much of a threat.. but they lost their qb which he started on both sides of the ball he was moved up this week
  6. learn how to play football then come talk to me about grammer.
  7. were not taking anyone lightly since legacy.... but im saying if we can pull together and have some leader ship and play as a team then i believe with no doubt in my mind that we can win by how ever many points.. and as for trea smith there is no i in team and a single player that can't determine the results a ball game..
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