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Everything posted by rupert3

  1. Leggett 88 Goodrich 59 at Goodrich now 28-2 6-0 dist
  2. Man I telling You that those Leggett Pirates are something else. Now 27 and 2 and 5-0 in district
  3. High Island 46 Leggett 67/Final
  4. High Island 46 Leggett 67/final 27-2 5-0 dist
  5. Richards 26 Leggett 83 Final 26-2 5-0 Dist
  6. Leggett now 25 and 2 Play Richards tomorrow night
  7. Leggett now 25 and 2 4 - 0 District
  8. Leggett 76 Spurger 70 Final Wow pirates
  9. Leggett 50 Spurger 55 7 mins to go
  10. Leggett now 24 and 2
  11. Sorry, Goodrich 58 Leggett 80
  12. TABC shows Leggett at 21 and 3 they are 24 and 2. Great for six guys. Go Pirates
  13. Leggett 80 Goodrich 52 Final
  14. Leggett 64 Richards 44
  15. Leggett 60 Shepherd 52 Final
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