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About BucPride08

  • Birthday 07/12/1990
  1. im sory but those boys from Newton have one heck of a program, even if newton has 11 players at ec they still wn just cuz they flat out know how to play football, they win this friday 44-18
  2. is it because last year they had tramain?? he wasnt the whole team..there are talented people on that team but i also agree with you they will be way to much for ec to handle Newton by whenever they want to stop scoring...
  3. This is rediculous kids using steroids and i seen on here that only one kid in the area was charged thats not bad but still doesnt make that school look mature and sophistacated
  4. ill go with woodville they always have a good dfense
  5. What will happen with EC on the home opener with Newton??
  6. they did a great job holding ec off by one but i dont think they can hold them this year... ;D
  7. hold up hold up, Ec has this one...i have heard about and seen their practices and they are in better shape to take 1st place in district if they can keep focuse and not let little mistakes get to them they will beat orangefeild...score 24-16 EC
  8. If the bucs keep errors to 0, they can win... or its gonna be a long ride home saturday .... i say it goes to game 3 if bucs can keep their composure and score runs. if it does bucs win by 1 to 2 runs. 8) [move]GO BUCS!!!!!!!![/move]
  9. thats not even fair for our baseball team...its not right. >
  10. I really hate to say it but #2 in state is about to show EC how to play baseball. :'( :'( :'(
  11. Silsbee wins just cuz they at home 8)
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