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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Now that is one funny list. Sounds like the author used to write for The Onion.
  2. Are you making fun of transgender people? The LGBT community might be coming after you. You do know you have to walk on egg shells also. It's not just for angry old white men any longer.
  3. Why would anyone want to be in Congress when they know you will give them cute little nicknames. You sound just like Trump. Are y'all related?
  4. What lies will be confirmed? Is it the "I will close Gitmo" statement to which you are referring?
  5. I find it hilarious that you want to try to make fun of Mitch McConnell's name when there is so much stuff to rag on him about. All that material and all you can muster is petty name-calling. Embarrassing! And what's even funnier is that you want to make fun of McConnell after witnessing Harry Reid's follies. Double embarrassing!
  6. Who was lying before? You play fast and loose with that term...which is obvious to everyone on this board.
  7. What did the tweet say?
  8. What makes you think I'm not concerned about the amount of money being spent...on everything? And I'm not for AHCA. You would know that if you read a little instead relying on stereotyping people.
  9. Yep, sometimes it's tough to have diversity of thought in your party. If the Republicans acted like Liberals they would have already replaced Obamacare, with the same pathetic type of monstrosity leading to the same destructive results.
  10. I remember. You threw a couple at me also. And when I responded you left in a huff, so I knew not to take your posts seriously.
  11. I respond in kind. Apparently you didn't catch the sarcasm. Are you trying to "pull my strings"?
  12. Yes he should, and so should you. It's easy to throw out pathetic statements. I'm just following his lead. Care to join in. I got a million zingers waiting in reserve.
  13. Now 3rd graders are laughing at you. And you should apologize to PamFam10 for dragging his thread down to the gutter.
  14. I'd expect a little more intelligent and thought-provoking retort...even from you. That's just shamefully embarrassing. Six graders everywhere are laughing at you. Thanks for getting this board back to the adolescent level.
  15. He doesn't have nothing on you. I just read a post of yours on another thread, and you have to have quite the vivid imagination to come up with those doozies. Now those are professional lies. So sad for you that those are just lifted from far left websites, thus you can't take credit.
  16. I don't know exactly what is in the bill, but it can't be good. Based on that I would definitely be a no vote.
  17. You wouldn't have dared make any of these suggestions last year. Money is not an issue when a Liberal is in charge. Once a Republican gets into office, you start making pathetic accusations and spouting embarrassingly atrocious and hypocritical viewpoints. But since Trump has been elected we've found that this is just typical behavior from the snowflakes.
  18. You still would have beat me because I would have picked Texas to win it all and they didn't even make the tourney.
  19. I agree, 2 would just be a rename of 3 with modifications. I figured I would separate them though because I don't think those on the Right would vote for 3 but might vote for 2, and those on the Left would not vote for 2 but might vote for 3.
  20. I did a quick Bing search and this article was first: [Hidden Content]
  21. I vaguely recall something about doctors being required to ask if you own a gun during your doctor visit...or maybe encouraging doctors to ask that question. I can't remember. There was so much I hated about the law I can't remember exactly.
  22. I kept waiting for you to throw at shot at me so I could throw one back. I started a poll on this. I'm curious to see if that topic will stay civil. Considering this is a huge issue that affects every single one of us, I'm hoping everyone will take it a little more serious.
  23. No, Trump started early in campaign saying repeal and replace. He didn't harp on the replace much until late in the campaign. Early in the campaign he would bash Obamacare heavily then say he would repeal and replace without giving any details on the replacement. It pissed me off to no end when he started this. He was never my first choice, and this was the single biggest reason (the replace part) I did not want him to win the GOP nomination.
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