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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Why did the article not report on the incidents of violence and looting?
  2. The article was so childish in it's assertion I figured it had to be sarcasm. But if you want to discuss these asinine theories, pick any of them and we will debate. I'll try to keep from laughing when you point to any one of the points you think are examples of racism.
  3. I love half of it, hate the other half. Love repeal, hate replace.
  4. He is becoming more and more of a hero to me for just one reason...he's exposing the true colors of the Liberals for all the world to see. I really wanted Ted Cruz or Rand Paul, but Trump has exposed the wing-nut Liberals for what they really are. Cruz or Paul might have been able to accomplish this, I don't know, but I'm ready to sculpt a statue of Trump for this one feat.
  5. Now this article is hilarious. All that time and research but not one example of racism. This is the epitome of "fake news", or better "fake, sophomoric, extreme and purposeful misinterpretation of facts". But the Liberals eat up this garbage like candy because it fits their pre-conceived narrative. The true colors of Liberals are on full display. Thanks westend1 for exposing more of the Liberal bigotry resulting from blinding hatred.
  6. And if he did, what would you have to say about it? Answer that question, then answer, what if he said he loved Allah and how good of a Muslim his is? Would your answer be the same?
  7. This is something many have already known before this skit was ever conducted.
  8. I abhor it with a passion, just like every red-blooded American should. The only thing we agree on is the new plan is just a renamed version of the old plan, with slight modifications.
  9. I'm sure his advisors have warned him about how the Liberal media will spin his words/actions. If he declassifies the intelligence information, you can bet every penny you have and will ever earn that the Liberal media will attack him for "putting lives in danger" by exposing this sensitive material. That is a no brainer, even for Trump. So your assertion that something is fishy because Trump hasn't declassified the information holds no water.
  10. Yay!, We agree on something. Did the bowels of Earth just get extremely cold? LOL
  11. And if he does, then the Left will accuse Trump of being careless with classified material and exposing to our enemies our secret surveillance techniques, putting all American lives in danger. It's a funny (and pathetic) little game they play.
  12. Presidents don't shoot people, but you give Obama full credit for killing Bin Laden.
  13. I have no idea what you are trying to ask or convey from this question/statement, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with my post. Are you deflecting or just not understanding what I wrote?
  14. And this attitude is why the Man-Made Global Warming fraud is able to live and breathe. Don't you feel proud.
  15. The Man-Made Global Warming theory is based entirely on fraud and deceit. I've seen tons of photoshopped pictures all the way back to the 1990s, and there are probably plenty before that. I'm waiting for the alarmists to start using the "well both sides do it" argument.
  16. This is why I'm still whole-heartedly for secession.
  17. When watching Tucker Carlson Tonight earlier, Trace Gallagher (who I like) made one of the most comical statements imaginable. When reporting on the new Congressional House plan on healthcare, Trace said "We don't know how much it will cost because the Congressional Budget Office hasn't scored it yet". I had to laugh. Does anyone believe we will have one iota of better understanding of the cost once the CBO has scored it. This is the same office that said Obamacare would save the average family $2500.00, and would cut the deficit by $120 billion. This is almost equivocal to saying "we don't know how many weeks of winter we have left because the groundhog hasn't come out of his hole yet". But if I had to rely on one or the other's methodology, I'm going with the groundhog. I would rather flip a coin than rely on either. I'm just in total shock that anyone would even mention the CBO when suggesting the cost of any proposal. Maybe Trace was auditioning for "The Onion".
  18. They can call it anything they want, and deny all they want, but to me this is still just Obamacare Lite. At least it gets rid of the mandates, but the taxpayer is still on the hook for a large sum of "subsidies" in the form of tax credits. Rand Paul has a much better plan, namely it get's the government out of healthcare for the majority of people. The really sick or very poor get placed into Medicaid. The majority of people who can't get healthcare through their employers get to join a consortium of sorts in which a representative can bargain just like large companies.
  19. So Hillary saying that she would give financial assistance to laid-off workers and Trump saying he would reduce regulatory burdens on the coal mining industry in order to save their jobs is somehow equivalent in your mind. That is astonishing and disheartening to know some cannot tell the difference. And if one cannot tell the difference, one sure cannot remotely fathom the consequences each has on our society. I'll give you a hint, one is beneficial and one is not.
  20. Those people did not vote for Trump so he would "rescue" them. If they wanted to be rescued, they would have voted for Hillary, who promised them free money. They were actually insightful enough to realize the free money came with chains...chains that would relegate them to welfare and government dependency. They overwhelmingly voted for Trump to save their jobs, so they can be productive and not have to beg the government for money. Whether or not Trump reduces the regulations in order to make coal mining viable again is yet to be seen. At least there is still hope, unlike with the alternative candidate.
  21. So what "kills you"? You've been attempting to post dirt on Trump since he won the election, and have failed miserably...even starting your very own topic devoted to the endeavor. And you have not condemned Obama once for any of his many transgressions, even "defending" him. Then you have the nerve to say we can't have a civilized conversation. The only thing you seem to be able to come up with is you don't like his twitter comments, but yet Obama was hailed as an innovator for using social media when he rose to prominence. Nobody is on here defending Trump. Many are on here setting the record straight when a Liberal posts fabrications, untruths, and slanderous accusations. If you want to have a civilized conversation, join the adult world.
  22. You keep refusing to acknowledge you care. You started a whole thread on the subject of the Russians and Sessions, now you try to say "you don't care". Why would anyone go out of their way to start a thread on a subject they care nothing about. Your statements are not congruent with your actions. I have you feeling you won't answer the question not because "you don't care", but because by answering the question you expose yourself as a hypocrite. Isn't that the truth? Even though you supposedly don't care enough to answer but care enough to start a thread, are you outraged at Obama if he was wiretapping Trump's offices? Such an obvious answer to such a simple little question.
  23. My eyes opened wide and jaw dropped when witnessing and hearing the boos from this little tidbit from the 2012 Democrat Convention: [Hidden Content] After that, I have noticed that Obama has treated Netanyahu like a second class human, even funneling American taxpayer dollars and political intelligence to ensure his electoral defeat. I don't really know if this is just a personal dislike for Netanyahu by Obama, or if Obama hates all of Israel. But I have noticed that the Democratic party has shown zero outrage or even the slightest bit of uncomfort when Obama slighted Netanyahu on numerous occasions. I do recall Obama calling for the restoration of the pre-1967 borders. I do recall Obama making a deal with Iran to give them full legal status of obtaining a nuclear arsenal. This deal was struck while Iran was (and continues) shouting "death to America, death to Israel". This deal has been supported by the Democrat party. I don't recall the Democrats supporting anything pro-Israel. I definitely could be wrong, but a cursory memory scan leads me to believe the Democrats are in no shape or form pro-Israel. If you have some evidence that you are right, please shed some light. I'm opened minded on this issue and would love to see some evidence that the current Democrat party supports Israel.
  24. But yet you give Obama full credit for killing Bin Laden. Did Obama fire the fatal shout? Oh right, he gave the order. Do you think Trump's phones would have been tapped if Obama refused to give the order? Ponder on that before you give your enlightened response.
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