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Everything posted by Englebert

  1. Englebert


    Just as I thought, you can't name a single cop that got away with murder. Who would have guessed you just run your mouth then run like a little schoolgirl when challenged to back up your lies. You must be so proud. If you want to know why racism exists in the country, you need look no further than in the mirror.
  2. Englebert


    Name one of these cops that got away with murder. Please enlighten us with your clairvoyant facts. Better yet, why don't you start a new thread on this and we can discuss it. I know you won't because you don't want to hear the truth, but I figured I would ask anyway. I have a strong feeling that was a wasted 10 seconds of my life.
  3. If you are such a kind hearted person, why do you demand your employer pay you an exorbitant salary? Why don't you take a pay cut so your employer can hire a poor person, so both of y'all could then have jobs? Sounds to me like you are just greedy and selfish, and don't give a flip about poor people. I would also be willing to bet that your greed and selfishness prevents you from paying more than your fair share of taxes. I bet you cash your income tax return as soon as you get it, instead of donating it to the government to help the poor. I'm guessing your "fight" for the poor entails a knockout in the first ten seconds of the first round.
  4. And you say Trump lies. We know who the lying parrot is.
  5. You are so predictable. The snowflake mentality is just hilarious, and for some reason you like showing it off. What a life that must be. But I'm curious as to what you do between the time you hear breaking news until the time your leaders tell you how to feel. Do you blackout? Do you get anxious? Do you just hum mindlessly to yourself? It must get boring waiting for your overlords to pull those puppet strings.
  6. Why would I be? I'm not the one who failed to comprehend a statement. Would you care to debate or would you rather throw out a childish one-liner? Ooops, history has shown the answer to that question.
  7. Another post flew way over your head, but for some reason you still feel the need to comment. baddog was eluding to the content quality, not quantity. Embarrassed yet?
  8. No, it is you that says some crazy stuff. And you only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. That has been proven time and time again on this board. It's childish but oh so entertaining. And a few of us actually predicted that you would get on here and complain that we blindly follow Trump after we were criticizing him. I guess you had no comment on that thread. Just as well, it would have been a childish quip anyways.
  9. Yep, just new tobie's inarticulate way of calling all White people racist. I'm curious as to why false accusations of racism are not met with the same vigor as racist remarks. In a way, his continuous false accusations are the biggest contributor in allowing true acts of racism to occur. So many false accusations are lobbed that one has to ignore the many allegations...thus allowing the true acts of racism to be ignored. But he thinks he is being cute.
  10. I feel obligated to question that 10 to 1 ratio. I think the ratio is a lot closer to 60/40 Conservative. Here's a list of the posters commenting on the last few topics. This is really from memory and just a quick glance of some of the latest posts. Let me know if I have overlooked anyone (which I'm sure I have) or put you in the wrong category. Conservatives (13): 77, baddog, BS Wildcats, Englebert, jv_coach, LumRaiderFan, pdawg119, PhatMack19, Reagan, REBgp, Stevenash, Tigers2010, tvc184 Liberals(9): Big girl, BLUEDOVE3, Fee Dee, nappyroots, new tobie, PAMFAM10, Remus, six burg, westend1 Neither(2): bullets13 (probably leans a little right), TXHoops (probably leans a little left)
  11. Do you actually think before you post? (That's just a rhetorical question. We all know the answer.)
  12. What do you think is the cause of this staleness? Do you blame the Conservatives on this board? Do you think the Liberals are somehow victims being bullied?
  13. I've asked westend1 a few times after he pointed out that many of the posters have gone, as to what his thoughts were for the reason for this exodus. He refused to elaborate on his insinuations, other than to crawfish. So I'll ask you since you seem to agree with westend1's analysis. Why do you think that Liberals are part time and Conservatives are full time? Please, let's hear your thoughts. You made the statement, so you must have some rationale for it. Please don't crawfish like westend1 did...which would basically just answer my question. My thoughts are that Conservatives/Democrats don't crawfish, Liberals run like little girls when challenged...thus the disparity. But I would love to hear your thoughts.
  14. This clearly shows you have no comprehension of sarcasm. Now answer stevenash's question...why do you consider yourself "superiorly informed"?
  15. I hope this pathetic bill tumbles into the negative digits (just using Man-made Global Warming/Liberal hyperbole). I keep hearing pundits saying that the GOP ran on "repeal and replace" for the last seven years, and are astonished that they don't have a plan. First of all, that is a complete lie (fake news). The GOP has ran on "repeal" for the last six years. Trump started the "and replace" during his election run. Why the GOP accepted this "and replace" notion is flabbergasting to me. "Replace" is not a tenant of Conservatism, and every GOP member contemplating "replace" should be shown the door (and I wouldn't mine real Conservatives hurling hateful insults at them as they are shown the door...after all, I've adopted the Liberal form of debate here lately so a model of decorum is predicated on...well, nothing.) Thank God for Rand Paul and a few sensible Senators preventing this monstrosity (basically just a renamed Obamacare) from seeing the light of day. I think I have a new motto: "Just repeal or secede." (That motto is just for the minions...I prefer secession regardless of where this goes.) I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that Big Girl, new tobie, nappyroots, Fee Dee, Six Burg will read this, but will later claim that everyone on this site will support Trump and/or the GOP no matter what. Anyone want to wager on this?
  16. You are easily manipulated. She doesn't back any of her statements with supporting evidence. She doesn't give any examples of behaviors that lead her to her conclusions. But you read this and whole-heartedly agree solely because it fits your narrative. That is just very sad. Since you whole-heartedly agree with her, and she fails to give examples of her contentions, how about you fill in the blanks. What things has Trump done that make you think our standing in the world has diminished? What evidence has you convinced that our democracy is in jeopardy?
  17. Please explain it to me then. After your failed attempts at armchair psychology your astonishing ignorance will be on full display, but please give it your best effort. Or how about I just do the same and see how you feel. You are a pedophile. Your pedophilia disease puts the whole RN profession in jeopardy. Young boys and girls cannot seek medical attention for fear of being molested, thus the whole healthcare system is in fact in jeopardy. And please don't ask me to backup my original contention of your disease, as Liberal logic dictates that supporting evidence of accusations is not necessary.
  18. Any sane person documenting Davis' statements would have to ask her "What makes you feel this way? What things has Trump done that make you think our standing in the world has diminished? What evidence has you convinced that our democracy is in jeopardy?" I'm positive the answers would be along the lines of "uh, uh, uh" followed by some asinine childish statements about how Trump is acting childish. We've been seeing this scenario over and over since Trump won the election. For you to think this rant has relevance says much about you personally. Tell her to back up her statements with some supporting evidence then get back to us. Until then, this is just snowflake gibberish.
  19. The good ol' Liberal tactic of equivalency just doesn't work. The snowflakes have been exposed. There is no "we" and it is frankly insulting that anyone with two functioning brain cells can try the equivalency ploy when the evidence of meltdowns is in abundance from the Left. I'm guessing if a basketball team won 126-7 you would be focusing on the fact that both teams scored.
  20. Wow. Is that post supposed to have some meaning attached? You might have just answered your own question as to why so many have left. Do you feel like a victim?
  21. We all know who the snowflakes are. It is no mystery. How are you not embarrassed from starting a topic you refuse to defend. You were directly called out, but run like a little girl (not that there's anything wrong with that)...hurling personal insults along the way. Seriously...how is this not extremely embarrassing for you? LOL (literally in every since of the word)
  22. It sure would be helpful if some on the Left would call out extreme Right wing views espoused here, and additionally post some credible Left wing ideas. Hmmm, is that too much of a challenge, thus causing the Liberals to run? I would love an explanation from you as to why we can't get this.
  23. Who doesn't like her now? Did you actually just try to profile me right after I just said I have no opinion. Really, what is wrong with you? Even Big Girl could have picked up on that little tidbit. Now that you have embarrassed yourself...and got called on it...I'm guessing you will refrain from posting on this forum and somehow blame Right wingers for your embarrassment.
  24. You brought up the subject. Please state your position. You ran from the question before...are you running again?
  25. Are you trying to imply that we have somehow ran other posters off? I've asked this question directly to you before, and you refused to answer. Now it seems you are trying to return with the same accusations you ran from. I'll ask again. Do you think we have ran off the posters that no longer post in this forum? And if so, how do you think we accomplished this feat?
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