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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. Blaming Obama for the state of race relations is like blaming Bush for 9/11. The conditions were there prior to either showing up to work. What makes some of you look like prejudice or racists arse-holes is the relentless tearing down of anything the man has done. Just doesn't pass the sniff test for many on-lookers. Put some balance in your life and people may not be so quick to incorrectly label you as racist...IJS. If you like deportation of illegals, you should love Obama on that one. He shipped out anyone they could find with a criminal record (even non-violent). I think it was around 2.5million. Maybe some are too focused on his ugly wife to see any good in the guy other than having a good personality. Hell, some Americans have a different ideology and love the guy. As certain as conservatives are about their ideology, it's okay to think differently, right?
  2. The Republicans have no plan. If they really wanted to do anything, a plan would be on tap. Just open everything up to competition and move on. @CraigS try paying for college today. There was a time when we funded our public institutions. Whose big idea was it to pull those funds?
  3. Trying to assimilate?...WTF.
  4. Ugly wife...STFU.
  5. co-signing on bank deregulation sorta sets up the environment.
  6. Patriot, yes ...just like Dick Cheney. Halliburton sure did get rich during that time of patriotism.
  7. I've said for year that Republicans and so-called conservatives bought and sold the working man FOR YEARS. They pandered to the working class the same way Democrats pander to minorities. Republicans were the tool of big business and the wealthy. Trump has put all of this on it's ear. If nothing else, it's a strong message to the establishment to not take the working class for granted. Also, I agree that the economy is top of the list for most people. I'd soooooooooooooo love to see that import tax get passed. So many businesses would have a hard smack of Karma.
  8. I like Kasich too, but he's not the guy to really shake up Washington.
  9. Covered by the 1st amendment, but insensitive just like flying a confederate flag. Move the portrait to another venue...like the beautiful African American Museum down the street. They have an art gallery there. In that venue people can judge the value of the work without it being a political statement.
  10. They're also in rival fraternities. I'm curious to see if Stephen A calls out any fellow Frat brother that knelled and also didn't vote. That aside, he has a point.
  11. If you think about it, Trump antics are really a slap in the face to the group of intelligent and articulate people that voted for him and have his back. If he keeps it up, at some point even his devote supporters will have enough. He hasn't even been sworn in and is wearing us thin with Tweets.
  12. True if Roof is a supremacist ...I think he's just crazy and killed 9 ppl. Even today's supremacist steer clear of churches. Some hold Christian beliefs albeit skewed.
  13. I agree ...if he can stop being distracted by shiny objects. Trump may be the biggest God-send for everyday Americans we've seen.
  14. If wasn't careful tho, we might have been talking about his great character in his eulogy.
  15. Even if Obama was a Muslim, that's not a bad thing. It's just a different faith. I'm far from an anti-Semite (over used as much as racist). I just don't want America to pick sides in a gang war to the point where we're begging for another drive by on the US. Netenyahu acts like we owe him money or something. He needs to get in line.
  16. We shall see. Praying that Trump is successful and makes our country even better. His wheelhouse is negotiating ...start with trade deals and corporations.
  17. Looking forward to the day where we don't mention race in order to heighten headline. Killing 9 people in cold blood is plenty to warrant firing up old sparky.
  18. Forget about facilitating stabilizing our economy, killing Bin Laden, making banks play fair with homeowners, helping millions get healthcare (although sabotaged), lowering unemployment. His foreign policy...well. I agree with the stance with Israel tho.
  19. Trump looks sooooo small. Just not the same league in terms of character. I can't even imagine Trump's farewell speech. "First I'd like to give Merrill Streep a piece of my mind..." I've signed on for Trump to see if his big ideas help American workers. The wealthy had their nirvana over the past 5 administrations.
  20. Anyone see a fairly recent documentary called "Class Divide"? Very, very interesting. Shows how rich and poor liberals in the same neighborhood deal with the fruits of Capitalism (or lack of fruit). A conservative hero emerges in the documentary, a young man named Danny that lives in the projects. This housing project is surrounded by million dollar homes (New York City). His words: "My mentor always told me it's okay and it's not your fault if you're born poor, but it is your fault if you die poor. Me coming from here, I didn't know that. I didn't understand that. I was a democrat, then when I was presented the opportunity to become an entrepreneur ...everything is self-performance ...you know, that's what America is. If you want something bad enough you'll get it ...you know, I love that. I love that now, but I changed my whole mentality and now I'm a republican. I know, it's crazy. [friends sitting with him are shocked, laugh] If I can give you a dollar or I can give an opportunity which one are you going to take? And most people as a democrat they'd rather take the dollar than the opportunity." He had a brief rant after that. He wants to be a self-made millionaire by 27.
  21. That's a stretch IMO. Could be overly sensitive or conditioned to believe a certain way
  22. Strange times we live in. The message above is structured like one you'd hear a liberal make about a number of issues. I guess I did it as well. "Everyone does it." Conspiracy Theory: Stevenash is ECO's alter ego.
  23. Would not disagree, but keep your furry hot dog in your pants sir. Morning Joe has one that is Fox worthy too.
  24. They say a hit dog barks...lol. Seriously, race issues have at least two sides. For a long time the issue was dominated and controlled by whites (some well meaning and others were more concerned about free labor), then we had a shift in the 60's and the issue was dominated by minorities. Any opposing views were kept hush publicly unless you were in a fringe group. Today I'm praying we're seeing a balance talk and understanding. We can't start the conversation with the words "Racist" or "Liberal" either.
  25. Parents are giving their kids this advice ...this comes from my general understanding, could be wrong. That talk is based in don't do anything to give a cop a reason and of course don't be doing anything to warrant a stop. Will also bet money that African American officers are giving "the talk" too.
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