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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. You've been waiting on that day since I first came to the forum. "He thinks we're all racists." I don't. Racism is an overly used word in our society that only accurately describes ppl on the fringes (both sides). Being prejudice or biased is more of the problem.
  2. You can disagree all day, but when make extreme statements you sure start falling into the pile w/ the fellars that have a fetish for Hitler.
  3. Keep that cross away from Ted too
  4. The worst in American history ...really? Worse than Andrew Johnson, Andrew Jackson, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford. Gimme a break. Righty's that say he's the worst hate the President more because he's uncomfortable to look at than anything he's done. You can count up his sins n we have plenty more that were far worse. They're also overly consumed with erasing his legacy.
  5. He's a Tea Party tool. I firmly believe he's more interested in personal gain than serving the people. He has loads of the slick lawyer talk to boot. With that said I don't disagree with everything he's pushing for ...but really question if they come from his honest belief or were fed to him. I like; Do not tax access to the Internet, BUT DON'T block “net neutrality.” Don’t send U.S. ground troops. Use overpowering force, including “carpet-bombing.” I sorta agree on his stance on gay marriage. My view is don't call it marriage (a Biblical term) but call it a civil union. Mandate a balanced budget, but lets no do it entirely on the backs of the poor and our most vulnerable. Lets repeal some unwarranted tax cuts for the ultra wealthy.
  6. Some could make the same allegations about our beloved forum.
  7. Cruz is a good TOOL. Plain and simple. I wouldn't buy a used car from him let alone policy. And watch your neck around him ...he wants to suck your blood.
  8. Once you weed through the facts, you can see the hate. They need their heads checked.
  9. I'm just passing the message along. It was dropped in my P.M.. [Hidden Content]
  10. I wouldn't call Cruz a centrist...he hasn't displayed the brain power to achieve it.
  11. NWO hasn't gone anywhere.
  12. So is the New World Order. See Daddy Bush.
  13. He'll be shot and buried by Friday. Cruz is the consummate politician in every sense. That guy will the champion of every Donald Trump policy that gets him votes. He'll also tell people that he's been pushing for it for years.
  14. Great idea, but good luck. I also agree that some on the left have bashed the USA for a long time and take for granted their freedoms. That's not my camp. I come from a long line of military vets
  15. Thanks for clarifying. We liberals...I mean, Centrist can be sensitive....LOL! And I'm not SuperSupremeEnlightenedHandJob.
  16. I agree, but if we turn a blind eye we see what the Jews got or Rwanda or a number of others. I get your point though.
  17. The Japanese sure love us today. Regarding your mention of slavery, as I recall it didn't end until 1865, then we have Jim Crow, black codes, and all sorts of hell until the late 60's. Hmmmm. Yeah, it's been a long time, like 40 or 50 years if were talking about real progress.
  18. Just churning the pot. You're also taking a leap when you say we're going to flood in enemies. Those babies (like the ones Glenn Beck is helping) are innocent.
  19. Seems like you over-react or give a closing argument like I'm on trial.
  20. No. When I disagree with you please don't push the red button.
  21. Netanyahu sure did french kiss Putin a**. Probably to spite President Obama. Netenyahu needs his a** kicked.
  22. Huh? Maybe this message came before my messages about nuking the middle east. I agree the Japanese were murderous and TERRORISTS.
  23. OK. We can draw loose comparisons to the current refugee crisis. Isolationist, America first policies. People desperate to escape are being turned around at the door. I agree with the President-elect that these refugees need a strong vetting. Heck, put them in interment camps. I'm sure they'll pick our camps over certain death in their own country.
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