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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. Nash speaks the Holy Gospel. He is perfect in all his ways.
  2. Say what now? This?[Hidden Content] Why do conservatives vote for cross dressers and closet LGBT's?
  3. I think all of us are being manipulated. Our beliefs are only as good as the information we have access too (or are served). I choose to believe that Hillary and Susan Rice stated the truth as they knew it it based on the intelligence they received. You may believe they're bold face lying. Not all loses are due to redistricting. I'm just saying it has made a difference. Tom Delay was running the game book.
  4. Call me what you want. If I disagree with items I believe lack compassion or are too hard line, I guess I'm a friggin liberal. You fail to note all the items I've agreed on though. Liberals don't tend to agree with ANYTHING a conservative says ..especially on social issues.
  5. No. And your kool-aid provider has put out their line on all these issues. Believe what thou wilst. For you Hillary is the biggest liar since Baby Bush? Or Nixon? Daddy Bush lied about not raising taxes. So did Reagan. Anyway, I'm not coming in here to intentionally deceive.
  6. Ha! You are the king of the comeback. Kudos.
  7. I'm not in here blaming Bush ...and you're right about the Dems.
  8. Nope Bush handed it to the Dems on a silver platter.
  9. President Obama is heading out. Lets move on. It's like me talking about Bush.
  10. You personally may be wide awake but I will not believe the broad spectrum of right-wingers aren't getting played by their leadership. Those guys bought and sold the people for years...hence TRUMP. Yes, the Dems dangle fruit to the some in their base as well. Trump as some great points about the inner city especially. If you only believe the liberals/democrats are getting manipulated, I think you're lying to yourself. Yeah, here in Texas I'd agree that Democrats play games to try to win any seat they can. We also have Republicans posing as democrats to win in the cities.
  11. Like General Electric? As for the ultra rich 1%-ers they pay pennies in comparison to the middle class.
  12. Cherry picking voters and weakening other areas. It's greatest effect is in The House.
  13. If I was a full on Liberal, I'd tell you flat out. It's really nothing to be ashamed of ..even if conservatives turned it into a dirty word. Call me liberal all day...really doesn't matter. I have my beliefs and you have yours. At the end of the day we're all getting played. We're being pitted against each other. A unified people is the worst thing that can happen to the ruling class of our country.
  14. LOL.. dude you're better than Matlock. I didn't come here to deceive anyone. Obviously you can disagree if you want. This is one of my biggest beefs with your camp. You get one thing in your head and it becomes the gospel. That makes you easy to manipulate. That leads me to a new topic.
  15. I wouldn't know...I hang out in the center.
  16. If I concede on all points related to the Michael Brown case does that make the situation any better? "hand up, don't shoot" was a lie. Now where does that leave us?
  17. Gah-dammit I think you just compromised.
  18. The ultra rich in the country have benefited disproportionately and they have the money lobby for what they want. I agree that academics don't thrive in business. Business' don't thrive in human rights or global responsibility.
  19. Are you "entitled" to an answer?
  20. whole country? I will agee that its not liberal but there's well know areas that are (or once were) blue dog democrat, dixiecrat, and so on).
  21. Redistricting helps too sir.
  22. Good video. The video assumes that ALL Palestinians want to kill off Israel and that's not true. Also Palestinians fight among themselves too. Israeli settlements are sorta like new gun laws. "Give em an inch and they'll take a mile." The US could have more influence if we didn't buy so much oil from those pesky Arabs. I'm for the World War II solution. The ultimate reboot.
  23. LMAO!!! Now that's funny (and sadly true). Hillary and that law firm had more to do with her bar exam than the conspiracy theories.
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