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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. the thug? Come on man. The sentence for walking with a hoodie and skittles is not death at the hand of a civilian. And we know Zimmerman confronted the kid...and Zimmerman was the only one with a gun. Do you think Zimmerman would have been better off following the instructions he was given?
  2. You're 100% right and that was WRONG. What need to do is not look at it as us vs them. "if you kill 5 of mine, then I'll kill 100 of yours." That's how southern family feuds start (Hatfields and McCoys) and how the crips and bloods operate ...as well as drug cartels.
  3. I'd be in on eliminating some of it. We need the Feds where we can't trust the private sector to do right ..hence the EPA. We need some regulations to keep order. We saw what deregulating banking got us. Department of Education needs an overhaul and greatly scaled back. The IRS could be scaled back to a single building with simplifying the tax code. Call me a lefty if you want. The remarks I just made would get me chased out of any New York coffee shop. IJS.
  4. Does God keep score with sin? To your point, no that is not a big number. We Christians did our mass murder back during the Crusades. We could end all this mess in the middle east the same way we ended world war II ..IJS.
  5. Well put ...but not all of these cases are cured by compliance. Some were shot before they could say hi.
  6. We have Christians that blew up abortion centers. Is that reflective of ALL Christians? Christians have radicals that due all sorts of weird -ish in the name of God (we found some off yonder in Waco). Muslims have their sect of crazies that are hurting all Muslims.
  7. These are social issues and I lean liberal. If we talk fiscal I'll lean conservative. I'm not going to tow the hard line the staunch conservative holds. I see this group too hard right on issues like health care, guns, and so on. So if I disagree with some of your views, that doesn't throw me into the Lefty pile. Some of you are drinking hard from the conservative tank and that can cloud your judgement just as much as someone drinking up all the liberal lines. Just my take.
  8. I'd agree that people will rush to judgement without knowing the all the facts (like what happened before the camera started). I place a higher burden on a trained officer to exercise discretion and seek to use the least amount of force necessary. On flipside I think there's some that believe if you ever question a cop you're some sorta communist...lol. I still wonder what would of happened if some of these incidents weren't caught on video or dash cams. The perp really has no chance of refuting a cops testimony.
  9. Yeah, that seems like damn if you and damned it you don't. Something has to be done in Chicago to restore law and order. It sure seems like this is south central L.A. pt 2.
  10. Do police have an obligation to de-escalate? I mean, I've seen cops tackling people when it sure looked like there was no reason to do so.
  11. You're putting words in my mouth. I said I believe the private sector shouldn't run health care. I don't want anyone with a profit motive making decisions to approve care. Is the goal here to label me as one of these crazy stupid liberals? I've agreed with many of the beliefs/ideology presented in this forum. I'm just open minded enough to look at both sides of the isle. I'm critical of both sides. I truly believe conservatives were overly critical of Obama and liberals were overly critical of Bush. Both stooped to down right mean attacks.
  12. I knew that was coming. You won't get any arguments out of me when it comes to how foreign policy was handled. Domestically, there was real leadership especially during the worst of the financial fallout.
  13. No idea who that is. I'm a noob here. It is possible that Texas has more than one person with centrist views. Also that name is sorta LGBT IMO, lol.
  14. If MB was fighting the cop and got shot...I will say it had it coming, but there are other reports that say the cop was the aggressor.
  15. Hey if someone is breaking in, they get the cold steel legally in Texas ...correct? Unarmed or armed. I don't need to tell you that cops have incredibly difficult jobs. Those videos sure do show some that need more training. I will agree that a few videos may not tell the whole story. Whatever happened to shooting a guy in the leg? I've seen my local police at work on a few occasions. The cops I saw were real pros. They totally took control and did everything possible to DE-ESCALATE the situation and not escalate it. They accessed, collared, and rolled out.
  16. I have no issue with anyone challenging my views. I welcome it. BLM has done a lot of good work to bring much needed awareness to the issues. They get scapegoated for police shootings, but I blame the cops that broke procedure and killed unarmed citizens. Those videos are why we even have a BLM movement and the videos did far more to incite violence against cops. We can agree to disagree.
  17. WHAT? Dude ...come on buddy. This "lie" was based on the intelligence of the moment. Benghazi was not the holocaust. This one goes up there with using a personal server. It was stupid and questionable but not same as lying about weapons of mass destruction to start a war. Oh nooooo, I said it! I better run.
  18. We needed to do something about the healthcare system in this country and putting our arses in the hands of private sector health care is a proven bad idea. As for Benghazi that -ish was used a a political football to put more dirt on Hillary. Conservatives ate it up like it was the Iran Contra Deal. I don't for a second profess that President Obama hasn't made any boneheaded statements/assertions. Conservatives just clamp down on one thing and hold it like pitbull. I'm a centrist and I have liberal and conservative beliefs.
  19. Its just you. Stay in the house and wait for the cops.
  20. There you go again. A zero sum game. Those who aren't willing to compromise are working against what our founding fathers originally designed. Our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the result of the compromise of wise men.
  21. How far do you want to go back? It's all wrong whether its a cop or an innocent citizen. When I say innocent I mean unarmed and not proven of any crime during that particular incident.
  22. Agree 100%. My point is 5, 10, 15 of these video surface its going to seem like "a lot" to people that don't know numbers. I believe that 99% of cops do the right thing and are true professionals. We also have evidence of a handful that are shooting first and asking questions second.
  23. Oh stop it. There you go getting your panties in a bunch. Lets not compare body counts. It's all wrong.
  24. Oh come one. ONE issue and I'm now diminished. Extreme, extreme. It's in the DNA of conservatives...lol. You don't care what Travon was doing? Really? I don't like "the evil liberal media" swaying public opinion but is it not a fact that Zimmerman left the safety of his home after being told to stand down and wait for the police and then gets into an altercation that results in a dead kid. I don't care if Travon slapped Zimmerman for violating his rights, Zimmerman put himself in harms way and then kills someone.
  25. Noooo...and there you getting extreme. They are our greatest ally, but I'm not letting Netanyahu or any other Israeli president dictate terms or policy to us. Netenyahu is titty-boy and we run sh*t.
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