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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. LEFTY LIES!!! LMAO! Limbaugh does what he does and spreading truth is not first on the list. I'm not saying I disagree with everything he says.
  2. Altering ...say what? Zimmerman sorta proved who he is. That guy was wrong as two left shoes running outside playing cop and killing a kid. If Travon was breaking in his house and creating a threat, protect yourself and family. If Travon was waiving a gun or sticking up someone...I can see self defense. You don't think all these unarmed people being shot is a new thing, do ya? We just have camera phones now.
  3. Fair enough....you schooled me on the statement in bold. My apology for making the assumption. Sometimes It's hard to tell how Republicans feel about Trump. Too many factions. For the record, I want Trump to succeed. Kasich should be president. Pence is too far right for my taste.
  4. No, don't disagree. We shouldn't fund countries that hate us, but there's politics involved in that as well. How much can we do with these billions of dollars here at home? Make America Great again :-)
  5. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks the cops are standing down until they get some respect. BLM didn't make it open season on cops (Righty lies). A handful of cops killing unarmed African-Americans had more to do with it. This doesn't justify civilians killing cops, but some of these perps just popped after being hyped up watching the videos.
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. LMAO!!!
  8. Its still a long shot from high ground with a high powered weapon. That lady didn't have a chance. Hey, it's only one life, right? This topic is near and dear to me as my brother was killed by gun violence. He was shot in the back two times with hollow tip bullets that shredded his internals. He was 20 years old. The weapon was a handgun and not an assault rifle, but you can understand my feelings regarding gun control. Guns are one aspect of this conversation and dealing with young kids that use guns to kill people is another. Thanks for indulging me and sharing your views. I've learned a lot from this discussion.
  9. It's the Washington Post so you might call it a lefty lie...lol. But I lived up there when this was going down and it's how I recall the reports. [Hidden Content] Lee Boyd Malvo said he remembers each of the sniper shootings in detail. But one moment — one image — stands out among the carnage of that terrifying time 10 years ago: “Mr. Franklin’s eyes.” Malvo remembers being in the blue Chevrolet Caprice, in which police found binoculars and walkie-talkies. He scanned the area to make sure John Allen Muhammad had a clean shot. He gave the “go” order and looked across Route 50 in Seven Corners at the target. Muhammad, hidden on a hill above, pulled the trigger. A bullet screamed across the highway, instantly killing Linda Franklin, who just happened to be going about her business at the Home Depot in Virginia at precisely the wrong time.
  10. So can trained school cops who go through the police academy.
  11. Not making it up...I'm exaggerating for a bit of humor. That fact is Mr. Muhammad could have shot a whole lot more if he wanted to. I don't want guys like him having the convenience of a Bushmaster. The way I recall the reports is the guy sat well off on high ground and pegged people. It was a sick game of target practice for sniper.
  12. So we have two camps, right? One side says more guns makes us safe and one says less guns makes us safe. When it comes to airplanes, I love the idea that my pilot has a gun on him. I'm quite certain that 9/11 would have gone down different with armed pilots. When it comes to schools...uhhhhhh. I like having armed school cops and even an armed principal, but armed teachers. Yeah, that's scary. I can see a kid getting capped on a stand your ground situation in the classroom.
  13. Check out one of Donald Trump's favorite newspapers: [Hidden Content] I'm not presenting this as evidence to support my points, I'm seeking education from people that know guns.
  14. I agree that bleeding heart liberals that have never owned or used a gun will come up with bad ideas. I previously stated we need pro-gun legislators to propose smart laws.
  15. Anything that goes "pop, pop, pop" I can live with, but anything that goes "blattttt-ta-tat-tat-tat" needs to live at a military base or in a SWAT team facility. Just like a bazooka. That's just the world I prefer to live in. Lets look at the case of the D.C. sniper. I worked for a guy that lost his best friend to John Allen Muhammad. His Bushmaster made it possible to line up a target a half mile away. Try that with a hand gun.
  16. Come on officer. Yes, banning bayonets is stupid and does nothing. Probably not hard to find an idiot that will defend the idea, but if we're really talking about gun safety you'll need a better video.
  17. FUNNY! This guy has real world corporate dirt on him and that's gonna turn more than a few heads. Washington is about maintaining the illusion of purity. Don't buy into all of Trump ...he's got A LOT to prove. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he gets impeached. Washington isn't run like a corporations. What flies in the c-suite will get you clipped in politics.
  18. You can sum it up that way and I call that Righty mind control. You trust those guys too much.
  19. Dude, you're right. There's no real excuse, but what actually happens is voter turn out is lowered. We can sit in our ivory tower and give legit reasons for people screwing up their ability to vote. I'm just of a mind to help those people. 2nd amendment involves a potentially deadly weapon. Yes, you can find hypocrisy if we turn this into an ethics class.
  20. I agree. I concede it's more of a societal problem especially in certain areas. And the drug lords churn all this b.s.. I can throw out several theories as to why we play games with these guys. I mean, we have the highest incarceration rate in the world (or is that a lefty lie?). A lot of jobs are supported by the mass prison system ...from cops, judges, lawyers, prison guards. If we can catch Bin Laden we could go kill off all the drug lords and shut off the supply. Crack was a scourge in the 80's and 90's. Today its pills, meth, heroin is back, powder coke, and marijuana.
  21. Yeah, and all that requires lazy and "stupid" people to read and make a determined effort to vote. We know that will happen...lol. These efforts will cut off the weaklings from making it to the polls. We can justify it all day because its their fault. My view is we should be encouraging voting and not putting in laws to protect us from something that everyone involved in the process (including electing Republicans in charge the process in their state) have stated is a minuscule problem. Why aren't all these fraudulent voters being arrested?
  22. Yes I do realize and apologized for stating the incorrect court previously. Here's where I need you guys to really think about what's going on with this voter ID thing. If you think conservatives are going all out just to prevent voter ID fraud, I'd say that's the same mental illness that you some poke fun at the liberals of having. It's a heist. And yes, the new conservative leaning supreme court will back the voter id laws.
  23. I'll agree, but we need to encourage all to vote and make the process EASY. I respect that others feel that voter fraud trumps the ease of others to vote.
  24. Nope. Here's the deal IMO, we want ALL Americans to vote. Now some will say they really don't want all Americans to vote. Lets not do anything that might have the remote chance of keeping people from the polls.
  25. North Carolina ...appeals court. My apologies, wrong court but agree with their decision. U.S. District Judge James D. Peterson suggested he would strike the entire law if he were not bound by the Supreme Court’s decision that states may use properly written voter-ID laws to guard against voter fraud. “The evidence in this case casts doubt on the notion that voter ID laws foster integrity and confidence,” Peterson wrote. “The Wisconsin experience demonstrates that a preoccupation with mostly phantom election fraud leads to real incidents of disenfranchisement, which undermine rather than enhance confidence in elections, particularly in minority communities. To put it bluntly, Wisconsin’s strict version of voter ID law is a cure worse than the disease.” The state will appeal both rulings.
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