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Everything posted by Remmus
I don't believe it's laughable. I respect your views, but I also hold my own.
My issue is it was never about stopping voter fraud, it's about stopping votes. I'm all for stopping people from voting if they're here illegally. That's just WRONG and I don't care how long you've lived here.
Its no good there either
Your mind is already made up. I personally know people (particularly elderly) that couldn't vote because of lack of current ID. Yes, it's a stupid problem to have and I'll even concede that if you have problems getting ID you problem will have problems making an educated decision to vote. We also have a considerable segment of the society that fear ID's for all sorts of crazy reasons.
Ask the supreme court. They shot it down.
Thank you for the spelling bee. I'm one of the most level headed centrist you'll find. My issue with some conservatives is when they hear an idea they don't like, they go for the jugular. And yes, the liberals do it too. I get it, guns are a hot button issue for you. My main point is SOMETHING needs to be done about mass shootings. I'm not willing to admit that we just have to live with it.
Too extreme brother. Lets not start labeling and taking shots. I could say your views are the reason for the death penalty. I'd probably be way off the mark. There was a time when all sorts of "rights" were written into law ...just see some past Texas constitutions.
Englebert you're a pleasure to exchange ideas with and learn, but I gotta call B.S.. Conservatives are too quick to call the Lefty Conspiracy. Redistricting is a well documented way to manipulate elections. So is putting in place voter id laws for a non-existent voter fraud problem. It's to suppress voting and even up the score. We can agree to disagree. Conservatives get shoveled lies too.
We all of a sudden have this massive voter fraud problem? This is a Righty talking point based in B.S.. It justifies voter suppression efforts.
Really? Slow down on the kool-aid.
No need for me to throw stats at you because they're the easiest to dispel. I'm for protecting Americans from mass shootings more than I'm for the 2nd amendment. That means some people will get hurt in the process by not being able to own a gun or will have to endure a more lengthy clearance process. We've all seen the knee-jerk reactions to isolated incidents. For instance, a crazy ex spouse shoots and kills and now we want to ban all people going through a divorce from having a gun. That's too extreme (but gets lots of applause from one side of the isle). We've also seen schools, movie theaters, churches, car commuters lit up by high powered weapons. Something has to be done. We can't stand by and watch. I honestly believe the real solutions will not be proposed by liberals, but by the pro-gun side. They own and use guns and most likely have the best ideas for helping keep the country safe. The answer can't be "everyone gets a gun no matter what." Unfit to own gun doesn't equal unfit to vote. Your ballot can't rob a bank or pistol whip a grandmother. Of course a poor voting decision has consequences, but hopefully we all get to live and talk about it. Conservatives want to limit voting because the numbers don't favor them ...at least until Trump turned some reliably blue states red. Now, who knows. Even with all the states Trump won, he still lost the popular vote in significant fashion and don't tell me 5 million illegals voted. The world is changing.
Chicago is an absolute joke. I think its as bad or worse than back when the crips and bloods terrorized south central L.A.. My step-son is dating a young lady from Chicago. Her family moved here to escape the insanity. She recently flew back to Chicago to bury a friend (I believe she's been to several funerals). Yeah, the policies in that city are nuts. Conspiracy theorist might make the argument that Chicago really doesn't want to control guns in order to "thin the herd" and also fill up the jails. Some Texas style law enforcement would serve Chicago well.
You must be about 5 cans into that 6-pack of Shiner...lol. You can't call liberal thinking a mental illness anymore than liberals can call conservatives crazy. Just different ideology. And maybe a small amount of it (ON BOTH SIDES) has roots in emotional or mental issues. I'm sure a psych could make correlations all day long. Defining mental illness....well, that will be the work of our elected officials in cooperation with trained professionals. I'd start with banning people on any psychotropic meds or have spent any time in a mental institution. While we're defining things, lets define the 2nd amendment too. I mean, can we bear bazookas? Anti-aircraft missiles? How about nukes? No that would be crazy, right? They're all "arms." We gotta draw the line somewhere. Our founding fathers were fighting with what amounts to a pellet gun. Also, they were being hard pressed by a guy across the ocean wearing a crown. Regarding liberals response to my statement, yeah, unfortunately you're right. I like that President-elect is changing up that dynamic in the country and challenging stupid P.C. ideas that solve nothing or create more problems. Your last thought about illegals is based on how it should be and not how it is. Based on our current reality we could ban gun ownership of illegals. How do you pass a background check with no ID?
DeVega is picking a fight where there is none. My family loves this movie and I believe it accurately reflects the lives of the people portrayed it. I may be wrong, but believe many on the left would say DeVega is fishing for readers and is off the mark big time.
This screams fake news, but if its true, all Americans should throw Russia the finger instead of allowing it to divide us further.
Yep, I've heard similar sentiment from gun owners I've met re: give an inch and take a mile. It's no secret that belief is what boosted AR sales. I also agree a semi-auto handgun is an easy to conceal item but these nut jobs seem to find a way to bring the big toys out. Mentally ill people getting their hands on guns is bad for gun owners as well as gun opponents. This should be a point of compromise and agreement that leads to new measures/laws to protect everyone. Also, if you're on the no fly list for good reason...no gun. If you're immigrating from a known enemy region...no gun. If you're here illegally...no gun.
What Will the Obama Betrayal of Israel Cost Us This Time?
Remmus replied to Hagar's topic in Political Forum
Uhhh...and the billions of military aid given by the good ole US of A. [Hidden Content] -
Reagan, I haven't done my own research into the founder of Kwanzaa, Dr. Maulana Karenga, but I'll concede all points about him being a black nationalist. With that said, a lot of guys from his era and walk of life were affiliated in some way. These movements were spawned out of the horrible oppression of African-Americans all the way up thru the 60's. Some, like Dr. Martin Luther King, chose to honor God and protest peacefully. Others, well, grabbed a gun (a very Texan thing to do...lol). With that said, the tenants of Kwanzaa are peaceful and positive. People can choose to celebrate or not, just like Festivus ([Hidden Content]).
What Will the Obama Betrayal of Israel Cost Us This Time?
Remmus replied to Hagar's topic in Political Forum
Not a damn thing. -
I'm all for "sensible" gun ownership and control. I firmly believe the amount of home invasions and all sorts of other crimes are greatly limited here in Texas by the number of law abiding gun owning citizens. You gotta be pretty much desperate and crazy to try a home invasion here. Probably 80-90% chance of running into a homeowner that is better armed than the perp..lol. With that said, these AR's are too much. Weapons that can commit mass murder (and we've seen it over and over again) really don't need to be circulating. Yes, the criminals have them and will keep getting them and we have police to deal with that. I'll pop a perp with a glock in exchange for limiting the chance another school or church gets showered with military style weapons. My belief is many people buy AR's as a statement of freedom, instead of a real need.
Happy New Year you filthy conservatives....LMAO. This is gonna be one exciting year.
The problem with your prospective is you immediately rule out well known and documented points made by the Left. I listened to Rush for some time. My brother, there's just too much evidence to share in this forum. I agree that we need to substantiate claims, but Rush is a guy that pretty much makes the argument (like Fox News). Will agree that Rush slams Repubs when they get away from ideology and Maddow seldom goes there. There was a guy that used have a radio talk show that was broadcast in our market. His show went off the air back in '06 or '07. He was a conservative guy. I listened to him daily and just can't remember his name. This guy was more analytical and objective ...especially when compared to Rush. Rush was in his shock jock mode and fishing for ratings.
Obama designates two national monuments, outrages Republicans
Remmus replied to LumRaiderFan's topic in Political Forum
Maybe ...but he also learned quick that republicans/conservatives weren't going to compromise on ANYTHING. They built a stone wall and spent four years trying to stall until the next election (and lost). That was WRONG. The president takes a lot of heat for the inactivity of Congress, but wasn't working with people that wanted to compromise for the greater good of the people. I must also express my dissatisfaction with how slowly his administration moved during the 1st two years when democrats controlled everything. -
That rule isn't only in the Lefty rule book. Conservatives do it with impunity too. Big girl, I know it's hard being a democrat and/or a liberal in these parts. I admire you holding up the flag. With that said, Trump whooped some establishment a** and now we gotta see what this guy has. Trump is the first person in a looooong time in the political arena that is speaking about America first policies. If you're in the middle or lower financial class of the country, we've been getting trampled for YEARS (at the hands of both republicans and democrats). Its time for a change. I'm not sure if Trump is really a man of his word though ...we'll see. Any business magnate (especially one from the 80's) is gonna have dirt all over him. Trump is no different, neither is Romney. What pisses off a lot of people is he really doesn't give sh*t and doesn't hide his dead bodies.