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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. I would be hesitant to put Newt up there when talking about a legacy. There's narrow-minded people on BOTH sides of this debate. The common trait is they never speak up against the BS their own camp is pushing for fear of being ostracized and ridiculed by their group. During those glorious days from Reagan to Newt's crew we saw the labor unions broken (some of that was for good, but not all), the elimination of PENSIONS (remember those) replaced by 401K b.s., deregulation that set the stage for a historical stock market crash, mergers & acquisitions ==>>> outsourcing (see Mitt Romney) ==>>> mass layoffs.
  2. Mental illness can be found on both sides (libs & conserv). If the story is real and we aren't being manipulated by fake news, I'd say the perps should be extradited to their home country after serving their prison term. Sweden is trying too hard to be P.C. at the expense of the safety of their citizens (sounds familiar).
  3. A lack of common sense isn't a deficit only in the liberal camp. Some of the people that supported Trump are the same people that supported big business, wealthy 1% establishment conservatives for YEARS. Those conservatives bought and sold the people of the heartland for decades. You can't blame liberals for outsourcing America (but you can tag some blue dog dems like Bill Clinton). The establishment Republicans caught serious backlash due to their policies that sold out middle and lower class Americans (speaking in terms of income). The Tea Party and the Trump movement grew out of the small town America's anger from getting short changed economically for decades. Hillary wasn't the answer for the change our country needs ECONOMICALLY. I like Trump on the economy and immigration. I did cartwheels just hearing someone talk about negotiating better deals with other countries and also calling some of the corporations on the carpet for abandoning American workers just to save a dime. I'm not sure if giving business' every advantage to stay here will actually work though. Corporations damn near get away with slave wages in other countries. Corporations are seeking to develop other low cost alternatives to China. Places like Vietnam. The "privileged Eastern liberals" got the memo years ago that we are in a GLOBAL economy. The smart ones adjusted. Unfortunately, many of our fellow Americans got left behind. Many are not educated or skilled enough to take the thousands of jobs that are currently unfilled. They might have to move as well. The trend for the country is being liberal on social issues and conservative of fiscal issues. I pray a Trump presidency will wake up everyone.
  4. I missed much of this past year's football. Just catching up and preparing for 2017. I noticed some "loss by forfeit" that hit a couple teams. UiL cracking down on academics?
  5. The young man has a legit arm.
  6. Locker room theft seems to be a "thing" around Houston. My sons have had items stolen while in high school. They actually caught one of the perps with stolen phone in pocket (they called the phone and the perps pocket started ringing...lol). The perp received a proper a** whoopin in the locker room and the thefts went away (that year). Then one of my sons moved on to play ball in college here in Houston and the team's locker room was robbed while they were at practice.
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