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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. Wouldn't want to be the lone cop showing up at this call, but did he taz a kid yelling for her mother? Don't think firing is in order here. Had he shot and killed...uhhhh [Hidden Content]
  2. LOL... I like Bill O'Reilly but there seems to be a culture at Fox. Not just Bill either. Starts from the top. Now, is it possible that we are seeing a concerted effort to destroy Fox, hmmm? I'm sure there's half of the country that wouldn't stop the process.
  3. Well intended, but less than optimal results. Seems to be a trend.
  4. Liberal!
  5. I firmly believe there is a code of silence among the Police ranks (and know many disagree). Too much smoke around this issue for years. This code is a leading contributor to the lack of trust we see today. If we had a culture of officers speaking up publicly against bad behavior in the ranks, it would go a long way. Had there been camera phones from even 1980 forward, we might have a different perspective on the issue today. Had there not been a camera on Rodney King, I suspect no officer would have reported ...and Rodney's intoxicated behavior helped earn that a** whoopin too. At some point it went too far. Within the African American community there needs to be a very public push to rebuke the ninja lifestyle that kills people, glorifies drug dealing, and puts Police officers at danger. NAACP, BLM, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and many more should be leading this. Had the BLM formed even 10 or 20 years ago, I don't think we'd have this much push back (even to the bad behavior of idiots). Today, guys like Trump, conservative news, Tea Party(?) are speaking publicly about issues that were considered taboo or hot button. This has led the way for the silent majority to rise. BLM coming about in today's climate will certainly heat things up more than in the past. Dr. King would have joined BLM but he also would have been at the front condemning the ones promoting violence toward cops or any other human. That's what's missing
  6. Well, we do have a public that gets extreme if a leader says even ONE thing they don't agree with. We lack balance in this country. Too much all or none mentality. You have career conservatives that have taken ONE unpopular position on an issue and they've been banished. Crazy.
  7. I did respond to this. If you look at the percentages, then the number of incidents are low. If you're one of the people that got hurt or the family member of a person killed, the number is too high. Another issue (perhaps the largest) is perception. Some are taught to trust cops and others are taught to not trust cops. "The talk" is a real thing in the African American community. Obviously there's a segment that never received the talk based on their actions, but it's a tradition if you will. Many African American parents are scared for their children. The expectation of equal treatment just doesn't exist. Bet money that Cain, Carson, Powell, Steele would/did have that talk with their sons too. Maybe more balanced, but the talk would/did happen.
  8. In terms for African Americans, people like Carson, Thomas, Steele, Rice, Powell, Cain, and many more would disagree. In terms of Liberals, they beat up Obama for not being left enough.
  9. Who's "their leader"
  10. I wouldn't want to be in his position. No win. Malcolm X or Uncle Tom. Somebody is gonna be pissed. As a side note, I think the Baltimore cops got off. I guy shows up with a severed spine after being pulled out of the back of a police van. Worth an investigation at the min.
  11. LMAO. If you ask me, the mens teams could take that latter name at times.
  12. First, we better not exempt all sinners from taking the pulpit. We'd have a serious deficit of Pastors worldwide. My question is does this "couple" consider their lifestyle a sin or do they promote it? Looks like promotion. I don't believe in kicking out homosexuals from a church because no sin is greater than another. We shouldn't kick out any other sinner either. I mean, that's what church is there for, right? We don't need to pile on homosexuals and go out our way to rebuke. It's easy to publicly condemn a sin that you don't struggle with personally. The Christian church needs to do better at reaching out to homosexuals and all other sinners and meeting them with love. On the flip side, we already know that there's a agenda to diminish Christian values in this country and the LGBT community will not consider "loving another person" as a sin. Of course there's different types of love, but that's another conversation. The Bible is the complete and authoritative Word of God. We don't get to pick and choose.
  13. Uhhh...when? Today or in the 1950's and 1960's during the NAACP's peak?
  14. More the responsibility of the people than the president. Obama tried to steer clear of any race issues during his terms. He caught flack from the Left.
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. My spidey senses went up. He clarified tho
  17. "L" Lefty? not Lazy I hope.
  18. Thank you for clarifying. I don't anybody in here would say a lighter complected person is any more beautiful than a darker complected person...just based on skin color. Have you caught any flack from family, friends, co-workers because your wife is non-European?
  19. Many of our laws and values are based in Christian beliefs.
  20. @1989NDN is your wife a white hispanic? Do you have any idea what that is? Is this some sort of colorism within the various latin countries? Or does that refer to people from Spain?
  21. Where have you been @1989NDN??? Nice Gorbachev reference. Sorta highlights hypocrisy, but not sure Germany's issues are completely similar to the USA's. Canada has been better neighbors in terms of securing their own border and we didn't have a flood of illegal Canadians rolling in. Not sure how many drugs flow through from Canada, but geographically they're a long way from the Cartels that need a specific climate to grow some of their drugs. I suspect that building a wall will uncover some tunnels, but I don't under estimate the creativity of any criminal with that much money on the line. Heck, they used submarines! It will be interesting to see who screams the loudest if that wall goes up. I think we might have a lot in common in terms of politics.
  22. Now that's funny. Hey I gotta help the three liberals that are brave enough to come in here. I just wish they'd bring more than allegations.
  23. Dang!
  24. Do you think he'll really get it done? My prediction is if Trump gets it done, it will be a tourist attraction for some time. Would not be surprised in the least if there were t-shirts made. I'd go see it and I don't think I'd be alone.
  25. "The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination." Obviously their heyday was during the Civil Rights Movement, like SNCC and many other groups. Today they definitely could play a vital, but they've been mostly M.I.A. IMO. They could have been out in front on the what some believe is an extensive culture of police brutality and the BLM movement would be the NAACP. Even if their law department found that all or most of the shootings were justified, they could have played an important role in presenting evidence/facts and getting to the heart of the issue.
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