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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. OOooooo. That's unexpected (Latino going Muslim). Wonder if his time deployed had an influence.
  2. Are you now Islamaphobic for making that statement? Maybe you're a racist because you don't agree with a black man's message or worse AN UNCLE TOM. Some of the Ministers people would label you. IJS. Social Welfare and Corporate Welfare are both bad, but Corporations pay salaries....and those salaries pay taxes. What about double taxation?
  3. LMAO. You don't know the definition of Racist then. We must get to the point that allows us to realize that just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them racist. By your logic if someone states that social welfare harms African Americans, they must be a racist. Cray.
  4. Amen! I also like what's happening at Hope City.
  5. Not with the information we have so far. I'm sure you'll find a bleeding heart liberal to find a way to defend the actions of this nut. Really can't compare the two situations IMO. You'd have to assume that all unarmed people that were hurt/killed were actually criminals intending to do harm.
  6. Thank you...was a part of my rant on prejudice. We're not all a like. Regarding taking something up with Muslims ...just pointing out hypocrisy. As fellow Christians, we get persecuted (as Jesus said we would) for stating our beliefs. Muslims are getting a pass on their beliefs because of the battle between Liberals and Conservatives.
  7. I'm sure any number could be supported depending on the sources used. The crusades were pretty rough. Do we count the people who pushed for Western expansion of the US? They killed more than a few. I'm with @LumRaiderFan on this topic. Lets talk about modern history and not ancient.
  8. You'd be wrong. I do care about the cops side. Understanding both sides is where the solution lies.
  9. LOL! I think I got into a logic fight with a conservative. "Finish him." Are you not entertained?!
  10. Who? You know that's the same point I'm making to you, right? I support some of the beliefs of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan when it comes to personal responsibility and building businesses and getting off social welfare. I'm one of the biggest racist in here depending on who you ask...lol.
  11. One of the most frustrating hypocrisy that is taking place now is Dems and Liberals shaming conservatives and/or Republicans for supporting Christian beliefs when they contradict the agenda of the LGBT community. These same Liberals and Dems scream Islamophobe or anti-Muslim. Uhhh, I think the Quran is pretty tough on homosexuals. Muslims believe the Quran just like Christians believe the Bible. How about calling out some of those Muslims you love so much on their homophobia ...or is that just their beliefs that need protection?
  12. Of course, but there's already plenty in the conversation that have the cop's side covered. I'm pushing the other side of the argument to help balance the conversation. The 60min story showed an officer that was struggling with a perp and fearful of pulling her weapon in light of all the current tension. She winded up very hurt with some brain injury. As a sideline quarterback I would have pulled my daggone gun and said "I'll shoot" and see if the perp calmed down. She had one arm free to pull her weapon. Her partner was really spectating (based on limited video) and didn't jump in until late in the game.
  13. DAMN, you beat me too it. Them white hispanics must be stopped...LMAO. Seriously, it's gonna take some time to unravel this mess. I have great concerns about crazy man getting a gun on a plane and then loading at his destination. What's the protocol for traveling with a fire arm? I vaguely remember some news about this a while back when the gun issue was smoking hot.
  14. You take the actions of one person and apply it to an entire group? Hmmmmmm? Sure sounds similar to taking the actions of wild law breaking kids and applying their sins to an entire group. Double standard?
  15. Of course not, my dad is a minister. That doesn't dismiss what's happened. Just because we have 10,000 kids molested instead of 10 million doesn't mean the issue isn't serious. Percentage wise of course the number is low. So I guess we should accept that .05% of kids will have to deal with molestation.
  16. I may not be the only one with comprehension problems. With all due respect, you might be overly hopeful or delusional. Maybe your department is the beacon of true professionalism.
  17. Maybe we have 23 years of too many keeping quiet. Also, 60mins was focused on Chicago. You don't think he's the only cop to be shunned?
  18. I see your Michael Brown and raise you a Richard Wooten.
  19. This was an excellent investigative piece done by 60 Minutes. A retired cop sure experienced some hate for not keeping quiet about what he saw. Code of Silence? His testimony sure refutes @tvc184 belief of no existence of this practice. Did Richard Wooten do the right thing or should he have kept quite? Garry McCarthy: Officers are under attack. That’s how they feel, right. That’s how they feel in this environment, and they’re not going to put themselves and their families in jeopardy. Frustration among cops deepened with a new order to be more selective about who they stopped, and write a two-page detailed report for every one. It was the result of a threat by the American Civil Liberties Union to sue the department for racial profiling. Bill Whitaker: It doesn’t seem that filling out a two page report is that onerous. Garry McCarthy: Oh, sure it is. Bill Whitaker: It is? Garry McCarthy: It could take you up to 45 minutes and one of the things in policing that we’ve been trying to do is knock back the amount of time that officers spend doing paperwork and get them out doing more proactive things to prevent crime. There are reasons for the scrutiny. Since 2004, the city has paid out more than a half-billion dollars in settlements for police misconduct. A task force appointed by the mayor found evidence of racial bias, and reported that nearly 90 percent of police shootings involved minorities. Richard Wooten: The Chicago Police is not racist, but I do know and do believe that there are racist police officers in the Chicago Police Department. Richard Wooten broke ranks and talked to the mayor’s task force about what he saw during his 23 years as a Chicago cop. Richard Wooten: They put me in this car with this guy, and my first couple of stops, I saw this guy stop a black guy. You know, several black guys on the street and they literally almost got strip searched right in the middle of the street. And I’m looking like “Wow.” Is this the way things are supposed to be done? Bill Whitaker: You were called a traitor for speaking out? Richard Wooten: Oh yes. At my retirement party when I got up to speak, a group of white boys in the back, they booed me, called me traitor, snitch. Bill Whitaker: Was the booing the extent of it? Richard Wooten: No. I went into the restroom, and I was confronted by a couple of the guys in the restroom about, you know, my position and how could I do that after 20-some years of service? But then as I’m looking into the urinal I see my picture that they’ve torn out of the program is in each urinal. Bill Whitaker: They put your picture in the urinals? Richard Wooten: My picture in the urinals. But I wasn’t angry Bill. Bill Whitaker: You weren’t angry? Richard Wooten: I was not angry. Because that just told me how dysfunctional we have of officers we have on the police department.
  20. An Hispanic wanting to join ISIS? Voices in his head? Walking around with that mini-assault weapon?
  21. Fair enough.
  22. No sir. NO ONE is getting behind those fools. With that said, please expect a race card professional to use this incident to push for some other incident to also be classified as a hate crime.
  23. That is strange. I hope all return. Will make for a spirited debate.
  24. I damn sure ain't Big Girl. I'll take ECO
  25. Sure, just watch late night television and listen for those quite commercials ..."have you ever used _______ and are experiencing ________"
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