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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. Check out Frontline's latest episode "President Trump." I forgot Trump ran for President back in 1988. [Hidden Content]
  2. LMAO! Touche'
  3. This guy really needs to retire. He's been pushing an outdated and quite frankly, racist, platform for years. His speech would resonate more in the early 1800's.
  4. mixed up Martin and ZImmerman.
  5. Thank you sir. I'm in hibernation right now with real estate, but plan to start up again soon.
  6. Born of our nations history. I know, I know, we need to move on from it.
  7. The line I heard is Martin's daddy is some high level official in their home town. I can't help but be suspicious of what daddy did to get his son off the hook. So, Trayvon is walking through the neighborhood looking suspicious and out of place, Martin calls 911, Martin decides to leave the safety of his home and??? "Hey can I ask what you're doing, we had some robberies recently and..." Martin runs up on Zimmerman "nunya $%*@#!!!" Punch kick ....Zimmerman gets scared pulls out a gun and defends himself. I don't think this scenario fits stand your ground as much as if Zimmerman was outside walking and the two meet up on the sidewalk and Martin kicks ass. Zimmerman still has his normal life and Martin would either be in jail or set free had Zimmerman waited for the police. He was not in any imminent threat of harm.
  8. I have no idea what motive these news orgs have to skew evidence. Sure they want to draw in viewer, but a white guy shooting a black guy is usually all you need.
  9. Zimmerman has his share of baggage (I apologize in advance if I'm wrong). We're not talking about a group or a pair of community watch people. I like that Zimmerman cared enough to look out for his neighborhood but he's not trained to run up on someone with a gun at the scene of a "crime" or even question another citizen. I'll read some other sources to better understand his probable cause to confront Martin. My current understanding is Zimmerman was pissed off about burglaries in his neighborhood and got suspicious of the black kid passing through wearing a hoodie. Not enough cause to run up on him. Maybe Trayvon shot himself.
  10. In those scenarios my understanding is the Police are very clear with community watch groups about NOT CONFRONTING criminals and calling the cops. Maybe here in Texas where you can walk around with a concealed weapon you can trust a person to confront a criminal (feels very old West) but in places up north most don't own guns and are really there as eyes and ears for cops. I want someone engaging that has enough sense to help a fool save their own life. My understanding is a well trained cop tries to protect himself and the perp when possible. This is why we have courts. Cops do the the round up.
  11. Imma go get my facts straight. I will admit, at great risk of attack to life and limb in this forum...lol, most (if not all) of my understanding of this case .......................................comes .................from Liberal sources. There I said it.
  12. It's open to interpretation and these are things Constitutional Law professors are made of.
  13. Uuuuhhhhh???? The debtor is always slave to the debtee, so there's control in all those scenarios. You're argument is good IMO but really gets into ideology, which I respect.
  14. I'm a real estate investing noob and am learning. Some of that gouging is done by the recipients as well.
  15. Forgot about the OT. I know some like to provide "security" at the local titty bars...lol. My understanding of the Zimmerman/Martin is Zimmerman was in the house and chose to go outside and play deputy dog despite being told cops were on the way. It's been awhile. I'll go back an look this again.
  16. I sooooo want to believe fellow officers gave him a kick in the arse or at least some chastisement. Too much us vs. them. These kids are looked upon like adults. Yes some are doing adult crimes and pay the price, but a 12 year old in the midst of a school fight....PAAAA-LEASE. I don't know about you, but I've seen and have been in my share of school fights (in suburb). No one got body slammed (but one kid that came from another school to fight and got welcomed by our football team...lol).
  17. Wasn't this fool on the phone with 911 and given instructions?
  18. Someone confronts you with a gun while you're walking home from the corner store. You defend yourself and you're breaking the law? Sounds like some good ole back woods justice to me. To risk your life? ...put a dollar amount on that. Last time I checked cops were paid $40-50K? Maybe my idea of good pay is skewed by O&G salaries.
  19. As a cop ...if you were in the locker room with this guy, what are you thinking or saying?
  20. Cheap shot.
  21. You sure about that? The report is she was trying to break up the fight her sister was in. Her thank you was a concussion. Looks like the Cop issued justice before investigation...we'll see.
  22. That dope came in 12 magical colors and tasted like skittles. Even if he was a drug dealer, Zimmerman doesn't get to play cop (we know he wanted that job badly). We don't give the death penalty to drug dealers.
  23. Guilty as charged. I watched Rachel Maddow today and things got out of wack.
  24. The Constitution is being used the same way the Bible is used to promote personal or partisan interests.
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