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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. Interesting article. Another example of well intentioned with bad consequences. I really don't get into the politics of San-sodom and gomorrah.
  2. LOL...I don't trust Texas to protect civil rights. I trust the feds. I trust states to create amazing business environments. I don't trust the feds to resist taxing/regulating a business too much.
  3. I added to my last post. NO SIR. That one is completely false. There's a lot of white men that work there and put the smack down. I know this school well because one of my high school best friend's father is a top administrator there. I've seen their staff and they kick ass when needed. Now, these aren't kids in a regular school, they did something to get sent there, so nobody bitches when a foot gets inserted in an arse. It's really a tough love place that saves a lot of lives. So, regarding a long term spot we gotta give staff the tools they need to keep order. As far as Philly goes, no one would b*tch cuz their kids would be saved from the gangsters that currently run the schools.
  4. Unfortunately you are correct IMO. It's an easy way to deflect talking about the issue. We all know there's a segment that are indoctrinated into a welfare mindset and are perfectly content to never change those circumstances. I'm a huge proponent of putting more effort into getting schools right in the inner city. Somehow the kids need to be educated out of this cycle (this includes learning trades). There's some bright examples scattered around. A famous one is in NYC where this particular magnet school pumps out college ready kids (that go on to graduate and escape poverty) but of course that's not enough. If your mother is a crackhead or working three jobs to keep a roof cuz daddy ain't sh*t, the kids are highly at risk of getting eaten up by the system. My understanding is we project prison needs based on the test scores of elementary kids. We're damn good at building jails but seem to suck at building decent schools (unless you're fortunate enough to be in a decent area). These schools need expansive programs to help the kids. It's sucks to help pay to cover other people's problems, but I'm pretty sure Chicago would be much safer today if the country made a concerted effort in the inner city that wasn't only focused on law enforcement. I also like Texas' use of long-term school facilities. We need to separate the unruly criminals-in-training from the kids that really want to learn. Maybe some of those jr. gangsters will benefit from a school full of muscle bound men that keep strict order. Some may straighten up and go back to regular school and focus on books and not fist fighting teachers. There's another good example of a school that straightens out troubled kids, it's called Glenn Mills School. It's not too far from Philadelphia. It's basically a juvenile detention facility but they're more about instilling discipline and high standards than lock up. Their football teams are the most respectful disciplined group of kids I've seen. I wouldn't dare get out of line if I were a kid there. The staff looks battlefield ready.
  5. Without the Feds the ruling party of a state can make pretty much any daggone laws they very well please at the peril of the under-represented. For instance a state or even a locale can create an ordinance that allows restaurants to refuse service to Muslims or gays for instance. Now that very well may be the will of the people of that particular state, but its not fair/right (because we are Americans) to target a particular group. We've seen this before. One of the great things about America is we can travel from state to state with the expectation of uniform rights, privileges, and protection. 60 years ago (and further back) depending on who you were it was really important to know what state you were in and the policies/beliefs/laws of those people. Some of the intrusion we complain about today was put in motion by the government being forced to police the states bad behavior. This is one reason why minorities have more love for the feds than the states when it comes to social issues. Historically the Feds provided protection. MLK had to run to Kennedy cuz Bull Conner wasn't having it. When the demographics in the country started shifting and Republicans weren't able to buy elections (they tried like heck with Romney) all this talk of states rights spawned. This is all about a power grab and leveling the playing field. Trump threw a monkey wrench in the pot and proved that Democrats can't buy elections either.
  6. My apologies. A group of middle eastern Muslims would look REALLY out of place at the Mummers parade and rest assured they would have gotten the beating of their lives if they tried anything. Now, Philly has a HUGE African American Muslims population (African American Christians there call them "FOOLSLIMS"), but I really don't see that variety traveling around and picking fights with soldiers (or anyone really). I mean, the Farrakhan hard core Nation of Islam guys bark a lot but they just pass out bean pies and literature (some pretenders are heavy in the drug game).
  7. Blame Rick Perry too for turning down funds. Guess you may have forgot to contribute to his re-election campaign. Perry stuck to ideology and didn't think about families like Tigers2010's.
  8. Before you fellars leap to conclusions, the story says this took place at the Mummers Parade (a Philly tradition that's sorta like Mardi Gras). This is really big with Italians and Irish and they typically make up the crowds. With that said it still could have been any "group", but most minorities don't get into the Mummers parade. It's considered a "white" thing. All the bands that play in the parade are white. The music is basically a combination of banjo and horns. A group of drunk/unruly Italians or Irish will whip your a** just a quick as "street thugs." We all know the code words.
  9. Just depends on the topic. I'll deal with bigger government if my family has guaranteed health care and I don't go broke if any of us gets really sick. I'm suspicious of motives when it comes to fiscal policies.
  10. The Norwegians and Canadians sure like their government health care.
  11. I don't know much about any other country. That's the honest truth. I can intelligently speak about medieval times in Europe, but as for the modern world, I'm pretty much bogged down with learning our country. America has its own form of propaganda to present the image we want the rest of the world to see. Of course most other countries do the same. America has put in policies and laws to attempt to correct past wrongs, but I'm always suspicious as we should be.
  12. I know that thread I sent could be picked a part, but the story sure ties in well with other incidents of US shady dealing around the world. I keep mentioning the book Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer. It's really crazy how much dirt the US has in it's past.
  13. You had me until you start getting into President Obama and Global Warming fallacy. When Jimmy Carter got the project buildings constructed, the intention was to create a short-term answer to affordable housing. We all know how that went...lol. Well intentioned, but horrible lasting consequences. If the gas crunch didn't happen, I'm wondering what a 2nd term of Carter vs a 1st term of Reagan would have looked like. Reagan ain't no saint either. A lot of hardship that all these angry small town Americans are feeling was kicked off by the policies of Reagan. I'm sure many want examples. I don't want to co-op this thread. I'm also curious if the good times would have kept rolling if Gore wasn't cheated in Florida. Regarding the destruction of the black family ...and keep in mind we're talking about poorer blacks and not the Huxtables, the crack epidemic played its part too. Those projects that Carter built sure came in handy has drug dealer corporate headquarters in every major city. It's long believed by African Americans that Reagan pretty much delivered drugs to the inner cities. You may not believe any of this, but it's a strongly touted belief by many African American scholars, activist, & politicians: [Hidden Content]
  14. Disregard Englebert sir...lol. Thank you for acknowledging my Centrist position. I haven't read any of Sowell's work but plan to do it soon. I'm pretty sure he's been called an Uncle Tom and more. For me that's another form of race card. It's used to punish or shame. That comment I posted came from Breitbart.
  15. Forgot: OJ is guilty but I always suspected he's covering for his son. Just a conspiracy theory
  16. Philly is one big hood for the most part. My area was Italian & Irish.
  17. Zimmerman should have kept his a** in the house n waited for the police. If Trayvon was breaking in, shoot em. Did Trayvon have the right to stand his ground? BTW, based on his parents young Trayvon wasn't a wasn't a wild Ninja. Just cuz you own a gun doesn't mean you get to play cop. Cops have one of the toughest jobs in our society. They aren't paid particularly well either but you don't get to body slam 12 year olds and kill at will
  18. Short answer is no. I grew up in an affluent area (grades K-12) and attended excellent schools. Never had one bad experience with a police officer. Our local department was really good IMO and they visited the schools, little league and so on. Then through some bad decisions I found myself, wife, n baby in an apartment in d hood of Philly. I got another look at policing. Also the Rodney King thing popped off and all the stories from LA and I became more leary of cops honesty
  19. The report is the cop had a body camera. The footage has not been released yet. My conspiracy theory is the longer it takes for the footage to come out, the worse it is for the police. If I were that young lady's father and the reports of witnesses are true ...I'd want to lay hands on that cop. I have a 12 year old daughter so it hit home for me. It sure looks like that cop could have collared that 100lb kid and marched her to the office. We'll see.
  20. Depends on whose numbers you use and where you live. $35-$55K will having you living in a box in NYC or high dollar parts of California. My belief is some that are struggling made decisions (usually unwittingly) and sentenced themselves to poverty (dropping out of high school, getting pregnant too young, hunting for baby-daddies/mommas and not husband/wife). There's an interesting discussion regarding the harm of social programs. In the comments of an article I was reading about the mess in Chicago, a guy posted this (it's long but worth the read, sorry links given are broken). Rational_Db8 the PatrioticTraitor • 4 days ago You can thank white "liberals" *(they're anything but classic liberals) for today's "black culture." It's the white liberal "helping" welfare system that has utterly destroyed the black family and black emphasis on education. Thomas Sowell and a number of others have written extensively about this. Here's a post I put together some time ago on the issue, with some links folks might find interesting: Rational_Db8 the PatrioticTraitor • 4 days ago You can thank white "liberals" *(they're anything but classic liberals) for today's "black culture." It's the white liberal "helping" welfare system that has utterly destroyed the black family and black emphasis on education. Thomas Sowell and a number of others have written extensively about this. Here's a post I put together some time ago on the issue, with some links folks might find interesting: In fact in large part we can thank the "Great Society" and liberal policies for the destruction of poor families and the massive inner city problems we have today. It's a horrific situation that's been created all by the 'bleeding hearted compassionate' liberal well meant but disastrously implemented policies and a total failure to ever go back and see what the actual effect of such policies are. Don't get me wrong here - individuals are very clearly responsible for their own choices - 98% of people who simply choose to finish high school, get a job, and wait to have children until married are never in poverty. Even so, the welfare polices strongly incentivized NOT being married, not waiting to have children, NOT having a father involved in supporting the family, having more and more babies if you're a poor single mother, etc., etc. In other words, those were the "smart" things to do if you were very poor and needed help. Worse, if you were working and on welfare then earned a LITTLE more, you'd lose everything when there was no way you could make it on the small increase in earnings. All of this was especially true for poor blacks families, which many of these programs targeted far more than poor of other ethnic/racial groups. Just read a little Thomas Sowell on the issue -- he's not only a highly respected economist who grew up in Harlem and dropped out of high school, but went on later to graduate with high honors from Harvard, and he also happens to be black. His work is excellent, ties in historical facts, and is well worth reading. Or respected economist Walter E. Williams, who also happens to be black, along with others on this subject. Here are just a few examples: The welfare state: Rhetoric vs. reality Thomas Sowell compares liberals' claims about blacks to hard cold facts Liberalism Versus Blacks Race and Rhetoric The Problem Is Liberalism, Not Racism ‘Dirty Dozen’ Liberal Blue States Going Broke The states with the most segregated public schools are epicenters of liberalism For tht matter, it's also blue states where Legit Hate Crimes are More Prevalent as proven by nationwide hate crimes compiled by the FBI. Thomas Sowell: The High Cost of Liberalism, Part I, Part II, and Part III. Walter Williams: Ills Of Blacks Due To Government, Not Racism Walter E. Williams: Elite Contempt for Ordinary Americans Allen West: Dem Policies Destroying Inner Cities for 40 Years Angry Black Mom’s Viral Video: ‘Police Brutality? How About Black Brutality?’ Ben Carson: Baltimore ‘The Victim Of Errant Thinking,’ Liberal Policies Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) [who happens to be black] blasted “failed liberal government policies” for miring people in cities like Baltimore in “generational poverty” and argued that change in Baltimore “needs to start in the politics, the failed liberal Democrat policies” Dear Baltimore Family and Friends [and African-Americans thorughout the nation]: Y'all Bein' Played! Black Pastor: Liberalism Is ‘Cancerous And Devastating To The Black Family’ PBS commentator and authorTavis Smiley [who happens to be black]: ‘Government Programs’ Have ‘Led To’ Black Family Dissolution Rush Limbaugh’s Call Screener [and regular on show for many years, who happens to be black]: ‘What Liberalism Has Done To Black Communities Is Horrific’
  21. LMAO!!! I saw his tweet earlier re: the lying liberal media and the false attack of him hating the intelligence community. "I love intelligence, I think intelligence is great. Many people say I have the very best intelligence."
  22. Maybe she had a gun?
  23. I wonder what Trump has said about this
  24. That's an interesting turn of events. If you watch the entire video (30 grueling mins) the idiots seem very preoccupied w/ Trump. Clearly there's no excuse but am curious why they keeping saying Trump's name. My understanding is BLM leaders are educated n attended accredited schools
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