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Everything posted by Remmus

  1. That favoritism can lead to belief of being more protected/justified than the people you serve. What ever happened to community policing?
  2. Use Michael Brown as the poster child for all cop n citizen shootings. That will only fly in Trump country.
  3. I'll agree all were "handled"
  4. Very wise words indeed. I'm as optimistic as it comes, but our country was formed with adversarial political parties and I believe the founding fathers wanted it that way. The race issues in this country won't truly heal until we see more personal accountability from everyone (and not just the variety conservatives tout). Also we all must realize that we're AMERICANS first.
  5. Agreed. God Bless You.
  6. There we go with EXTREME statements. Absolute worst has been indoctrinated into conservatives heads like all corporations are evil are drilled into the heads of liberals. Lets not go into the laundry list of evil private sector ventures. Read Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer if you haven't already. Private and Public "interests" are more tied in this country than many believe. The Department of Education is too liberal, but is necessary because some areas will choke out schools in certain areas when there's no supervision.
  7. Not even reading a Fox News thread. Holds the same credibility as Huffington. Any so-called BLM threatening a cop is not BLM. Fox News (puppet for some larger agenda) is playing their viewers. I strongly believe we are being pitted against each other so that our ruling class can run unfettered. Classic example of distraction techniques. Bill Clinton and George Bush belong to the same elite fraternity.
  8. Philly has a love affair with taxes. I'm a former resident. Mayor Ed Rendall taxed Philly back into a surplus ...then we of course fell back into a deficit. I'll be the first to say a democratic/liberal government left unchecked with a lot of money is not a good thing. They spend loads and don't have much to show for it.
  9. Its sorta like Righty's attributing BLM to cop killing.
  10. I must throw in, "All white people should be proud of the racist groups that have terrorized this country for years." Do they represent ALL white people?
  11. Did BLM shoot anyone? Some crazy pissed off ninjas did. Now it seems to be the tendency to tie BLM to cop killers. I again submit these are NOT BLM even if they scream it because they are not true to the mission of BLM. When blacks rally they're complainers and starting trouble. When whites rally its for the good of the country, right? I will add the statement above could be applied to some of the cop shootings on video. These cops don't really represent the true mission of law enforcement, but all cops are unfairly labeled.
  12. a couple ...HA! The perception of epidemic is skewed though.
  13. Neither is private players. I also stated that a lot this research is sponsored by the NIH as well. Most conservatives distrust government at all costs and tend to overly trust capitalism. Capitalism doesn't have an answer for every scenario unless you want the USA to look more like Brazil. There you have gated off section of "haves" and vast amounts of slums with "have nots."
  14. Okay so you nailed me on one point. All my other views are now false too? Great job sir.
  15. Not all African Americans are BLM even if they're at a rally. Sorta like some of the crazies we've seen at Tea Party rallies. What do any of us need to do to be a part of a rally? Show up, starting chanting? Just how some on this forum are having a strong reaction to stupid reckless chanting at BLM sponsored rallys and seeing a black guy mass murder cops ...there's African Americans (and a lot of ninjas who deal with cops daily) that get all fired up after seeing videos with 1 , now 2, now 5 cops shooting a black person. There's people with feelings on both sides of this equation. The question is does either side invalidate the feeling the others.
  16. Somewhere BLM got associated. There was a response this morning on at least one media outlet that has a predominantly young African American audience. It hasn't been posted on the web yet, but the message was these acts were heinous and wrong and the perps need to pay the price. They also mentioned the inaccurate connection of BLM.
  17. @baddog remember some of the prior discussions we've had? Not all African Americans are the same. I know that historically African Americans unified and this was necessary during slavery, reconstruction, and Civil Rights. Today, we have a segment of blacks...the "ninjas" I mentioned in a previous post that make it bad for all African Americans. FOR THE RECORD, ninjas don't join BLM, they join GANGS. Also, recall how I said any idiot can shout things and be considered part of a group. No where in BLM's mission does it state kidnapping and torturing white people. This story will be used to justify all sorts of acts and it's reckless.
  18. Legal systems favor cops. Perceptions on both sides can be easily skewed by personal experience. To the guy getting stopped and frisked heading to his fast food job, "all cops are corrupt and unfairly target." It's a perception based on his environmental factors.
  19. Yes we did and I didn't know anyone on the conservative side made a distinction between democrats and liberals. I guess its the same as Conservatives and establishment Republicans.
  20. I can't even take this seriously. All of them had it coming? I don't condone making martyrs out of criminals. And that statement applies to the Police Officers too.
  21. You boys play nice.
  22. LMAO! Too funny. Stories like these make me sooooo happy to be in Texas. That school better start installing unisex bathrooms now.
  23. What this state needs is real leadership in Austin. Someone in the same vein as the BEST governor in Texas history... ANN RICHARDS! Been fun, logging out n going to bed
  24. Hey, wealth redistribution sucks if you don't qualify...lol That is socialism. No arguments here. Use that money to pay for things that benefit all, not to fatten up a tax return for someone that barely worked.
  25. the point of this one incident is?
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