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  1. Kolarik hit one against galena park, which now makes a total of 3.
  2. Saturday game, Dayton beat CE King 25-15.
  3. Dayton won 14-3 in 5 innings. I believe the school was Summercreek High school. Dylan Kolarik WP
  4. 19-4a Dayton - Dylan Kolarik
  5. Dayton has always had a few players that play year round select baseball...problem is, only 1 or 2 take baseball seriously. The others participate with other sports (nothing wrong with that), and don't pick up the baseball until the season starts. In the off season, players that only play baseball are in PE and get very little work unless they play select or work on their own. I seriously doubt Dayton will be much of a problem for anybody until they get serious with their program.
  6. 7-0 final, Crosby.
  7. Not sure who pitched for KP, but Dylan Kolarik pitched for Dayton and had a couple of strike-outs. Broncos have really improved.
  8. Dylan Kolarik pitched for Dayton. After the first two innings and 4 runs scored for GP, he settled down.
  9. Sorry for the confusion....but the post was "how do you throw a 10 or 11 point lead". Dayton was ahead til the 6th. There was never a 10 or 11 point lead. Both teams played well.
  10. Dayton fans were also in attendance. As posted before, we had the game until the 6th/7th inning, then came back in the 7th for the win.
  11. 10 or 11 point lead?????? Dayton led the entire game until the 6th/7th inning and then came back!
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