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The #42

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Everything posted by The #42

  1. i want to congradulate wh for a hard fought ball-game im glad that yall know how to win... and im not goin to make any excuses... yall won... nice ball game
  2. none of this matters (but yeah your right i do need to give all the credit to my line and i do i owe my line all of them yards... i love them guys... and our quarterback even took the whole offensive line out to eat... and we will do the same thing every week because we are a family) tonight is the big night its time to play so strap your helmets on cuz evadales coming!!!!
  3. tonight is the big night all of this dont matter when it comes to nut cutting time we will see who the better team is... and i want to say something about #84 everyone knows that chester aint a playoff caliber team but who cares?? tonight is what matters the most now SO BALL UP AND PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. true they did beat us thats part of football... but we are a different team now.. and we will step up our game and play friday night...
  5. yeah we dont have anyone runnin 4.5 but we have 3 kids running 4.6-4.7 and 4 running 4.8-5.0.. soo i dont think that we will have that much trouble... besides he cant do everything
  6. im goin with evadale not jus cuz there my team but i do believe that they have inproved ten-fold and if they play as team west hardin wont know what hit them evadale 26 west hardin 18
  7. yep that evadale team defanatly showed up
  8. haha who cares all that matters is the game..... yall bring yalls cuz evadale will bring theirs
  9. behind who kelly's jv??
  10. we shall see... no disrespect but im goin will evadale
  11. im going with anthony smith ive played against him that kid... he has speed, power, and finesse he's the real deal
  12. not only did evadale walk the ball up and down the field they had three plays that would have turned the game in their favor.... not only that but they held a top 20 team to 20 points.... that in itself is an accomplishment
  13. im wondering if west hardin is going to play like this in district...... if soo teams like Hull and evadale will wipe the field with them
  14. pleeze chester??? top 15?? come on they beat high island and sabine pass not world class teams come on!!!!
  15. tre Who?? #54 #50 #42 #55 #76 #21 #34 well.... to spare yalls time... THE WHOLE DEFENSE!!! but its still a week away soo who knows... but im going with evadale by a few points
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