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Everything posted by HAWKS24

  1. haha thats funny
  2. there is no doubt in my mind there are cougars, or panthers which ever you wnt to call them, in our parts . i have not seen one but did find a calf in the fork of a tree one day while working cows. i was just saying i have heard people talk about black panthers but science says there is no such thing. I have a place up in College Station, in the Navasota River Bottom. And we have been seeing big cat tracks around our feeders. And then about a week ago my buddy had a couger walk out while he was hunting and lay rite underneith the feeder. So i beleive there are some big cats around SE and East Texas. Why no dead cat(or at least a photo)? Because my buddy was huntin with a bow and it was out of range...and all he had was his camera phone..but he did get a good picture of the track it made.
  3. there is no doubt in my mind there are cougars, or panthers which ever you wnt to call them, in our parts . i have not seen one but did find a calf in the fork of a tree one day while working cows. i was just saying i have heard people talk about black panthers but science says there is no such thing. I have a place up in College Station, in the Navasota River Bottom. And we have been seeing big cat tracks around our feeders. And then about a week ago my buddy had a couger walk out while he was hunting and lay rite underneith the feeder. So i beleive there are some big cats around SE and East Texas.
  4. I dont think it will be. HJ JV has lost alot of people due to grades. But i think they'll find away to stay in it. HJ couchin staff has some tricks up their sleevs
  5. My brother in-law is a deffensive end for ETBU, and before they go onto the field one of their big linemen(who happens to be samoan) leads them in a big tribal war dance.. its pretty cool to watch.
  6. If we had any size in our o-line it would be alright.
  7. Jacoby Turner. thats all i got to say.
  8. burrell seperated his sholder, and 21 is jacoby turner(soph.)
  10. yea very dumb...the hawks squad is fool of "athlete's"..Trey B is just one of the them...
  11. Todd Sutherland.....how many state championships dose he have again?? ;D
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