there is no doubt in my mind there are cougars, or panthers which ever you wnt to call them, in our parts . i have not seen one but did find a calf in the fork of a tree one day while working cows. i was just saying i have heard people talk about black panthers but science says there is no such thing.
I have a place up in College Station, in the Navasota River Bottom. And we have been seeing big cat tracks around our feeders. And then about a week ago my buddy had a couger walk out while he was hunting and lay rite underneith the feeder. So i beleive there are some big cats around SE and East Texas.
Why no dead cat(or at least a photo)?
Because my buddy was huntin with a bow and it was out of range...and all he had was his camera phone..but he did get a good picture of the track it made.