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Everything posted by TNTITANS

  1. Did he just say 14-14?? I thought it was 14-7 when did I miss a Panther TD?
  2. Come on Raiders! What is the deal?
  3. Jordibug and Tenacious K--some of us remember when we were in school we could have lost by 3 touchdowns but IF we scored a field goal, let along a TD we celebrated like we won the game!! I think the reason there is so much "hype" is because yes, Lumberton HAS come a LONG WAY, but it seems to me after being out of school for 20 years now and seeing how it is now, the good ole Raiders need to remember that they have only been good like this for 3 years and now all of a sudden they seem to be it and think no one else in the area can compete with them. Sometimes you (and not you two in particular just the town I guess I am trying to say) need to remember where you came from. Believe me I grew up in Lumberton first of kindergarten until my last day in 1989 and it hasn't always been what it is now. I am proud of how far they have come but sometimes you have to prove it a little longer than three years. Just my two cents!
  4. Should be another interesting match up. This one will probably be like the Vidor/Lumberton match up is my bet. They will both shut down each others offense. Close and low scoring I say, hoping for Lumberton by 3.
  5. So how many bad marks does a moderator get for that comment? Just kidding! Vidor by 21. I don't think that Vidor will come off cocky. They know how to play and they know they can't afford to get cocky. GO PIRATES!!!
  6. It sounded to me listening on here that no one on that football field could breathe heavy because if they did they got some type of penalty called on them If them boys could have played some football and those refs not called everything in the book this game would have been different. Both teams got blasted by penalties. It was not more Lumberton or more Vidor from what I heard. I honestly do not see why all the hatred and ugliness between the two places. I grew up down there and went to school at one of them and let me tell you "we" have not always been as good as we are now. The main reason that I pulled for Vidor was after reading so many nasty comments (Ex. calling the Pirates the "snuff gully boys?") PLEASE!!! I did not see any nasty comments aimed at Lumberton before that comment, if so, please tell me the post # and I will stand corrected. To both places there are more good people on here than bad so don't think all Lumberton people or Vidorians are all alike. I have said my peace! Good luck to both teams the rest of the year!!
  7. Game over!! Pirates 14-11 Way to go Pirates!! Make 'em believe you are something in district this year!
  8. 1st down Pirates under 1:00 to go
  9. 1:55 left. 4th and 2 Vidor
  10. 14-11 now. WHEW!! Here we go!!! Hold on tight!!
  11. TD Raiders! 3:57 Do you credit the TD to the Raiders or the Zebras? HAHAHA!! L-town going for 2. You announcers kill me!! Thanks for making me feel like I am THERE!!
  12. Lumberton missed a field goal and Vidor got the ball back, 20 yard line of the Raiders. The announcers just said, "Vidor is closing the train station down!" That was funny!!
  13. The Pirates aren't going to let their ship go down without a fight! FIGHT PIRATES FIGHT!!
  14. Heard it with my own ears Hippie!!
  15. Pirates came out fired up! Coach Mathews must have given them boys a talk!
  16. And now, Vidor stripped the ball and is on Lumberton's 20 yard line! Now on 4!!
  17. I wonder if the power has to do with the weather? I heard there could be storms down there, I am in TN so I don't know but I can't believe Lumberton wouldn't out do themselves wtih it being Homecoming. They wouldn't embarrass themselves like that.
  18. I just now got the stream back. Pirates better watch out, almost fumbled on the kickoff! Another offsides penalty against the Raiders. What is up with the scoreboard and no hashmarks on the field?
  19. I know 93! I figured this would be a very high scoring game, didn't you?
  20. Are you there, Bullets? What is up with all of these penalties tonight? Kind of sloppy for both teams, huh?
  21. 7:15 remaining in first half. 3-0 Raiders Low scoring game, I figured this would be a high scoring game.
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