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Everything posted by TNTITANS

  1. Because Ike didn't happen in New Orleans is why I think it is not getting media attention.
  2. I Got This--- Here is a link for Port Bolivar/Crystal Beach. Be prepared is all I can tell you. [Hidden Content] If you can't get it from that link then look up the Hurricane Ike photos page on SETXSPORTS.com and on the 4th page of that post there is the link for damage of that area.
  3. Thanks for the support 92! For the other two people, I do know who Ike is but I did not associate the add with anything funny. So Tina Turner was on the same page. I was only concerned about the seriousness of Ike. I am 900 miles away from where I grew up and wanted everyone to be safe and wanted my family away. Thank God they are here now and safe. And in another serious situation I would be just as serious. At least I made you other two laugh. I hope and pray everyone is safe and nothing happened to any of ya'll on this board. God Bless!
  4. Does anyone know about flooding off of Alamo in Vidor?
  5. Does anyone have any information on flooding in Vidor? Particularly around Alamo Street?
  6. What part of Vidor? My parents are on Alamo. Thanks for your info, kicker!
  7. Any word on how Vidor and Lumberton are?
  8. Thanks for the link, Hoop
  9. Wasn't thinking anything about Ike and Tina at 5:00am. I had been too concerned about family and friends down there to find anything remotely funny about Ike.
  10. The second ad I see is win Tina Turner concert tickets. Must something that changes each time you go to the page because there is nothing funny on there. I've tried it twice. Is it one of the video you want us to see?
  11. God Bless all of you! Be careful! Plenty of hotel rooms around me in Tennessee! I am sure it is safe where Scooter is too! Seriously we may not all see eye to eye on Friday nights but we are all Texans and there is nothing like that bond!! Stay safe!!
  12. Only Bullets 13 would come up with that one!
  13. The Emergency Management officials better start evacuating NOW then!!
  14. Lazeek- May not matter--them gators may be coming to see you anyway!
  15. Hey Coop- The models you have a few posts above (I guess the European I don't know), also showed Middle Tennessee getting SLAMMED with a LOT of snow last winter. Guess HOW MANY snow storms we got? 0!!! Maybe that will help some of you out at the moment. Now if they say its coming I would listen, but not depend on that model this far out!
  16. Coop- Do you EVER go home or do you live at the station and on this site?? HA!
  17. Big House-- WHY are you opening up that can of worms boy? LHS all the way!!! It's been a long time since these two teams played, should be a fun game bringing back the Village Creek Rivalry! Maybe the Raiders will be FULL STEAM AHEAD and will blow IKE back out to the Gulf the other way!!!
  18. Vidor by 10. GO PIRATES GO!!
  19. Coop- Guess it looks like I need to clean my guest room for my parents in Vidor, huh? They camped out here for a week when Rita hit. What is up the last few years with all of the hurricanes? I grew up in Lumberton and the time I lived in SE Texas we only had to evacuate 2 times!!! I feel for you guys!!!
  20. Man I can just imagine the pandimonium on the NDNS side right now!!
  21. Now thats the NDNS team I know of!!
  22. There goes the L-TRAIN HORN!! Lumberton wins! 24-7 Way to go RAIDERS!!!
  23. Yeah-those games are always the best!
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